I've installed the app, put my location / Montpellier, France and ... realized I was quite alone (and quite desperate too) there :-)
Then I said to myself why not teleport to San Francisco ?
If I understand well, you charge .99 to be able to "fake" the geo location service and "teleport" to where you want to be able to chat with other people there ?
To be honest, I find it not really user-friendly to be charged upfront like that.
What about teasing the user, allowing him to "try" and "taste" the place and then after a certain time ask him to pay the fee to stay here..?
Good luck ! :-)
@pierre_vannier Hi Pierre! Thanks for your feedback! We appreciate it.
- The reason why you still don't see users in your area it is because the app is brand new.
- About your suggestion: we will consider it for the next updates!
Thanks for being an early user! :-)
@pierre_vannier I'm really sorry about that.
As an early user I know you cold feel lonely, but I'm pretty sure you'll appreciate it in the near future.
Spread the word and you won't be disappointed ;)
@nikitakorotaev Hey Nikita!
First, the app is in Russian and so limited to a local region. Also, the purpose of the app is different: Hello is an app that allows you to connect with users in a specific area even if they are not connected each other, creating automatically generated chatrooms.
The only similar thing is the logo, where we got inspired by Apple and the genius of Steve Jobs. Have a nice day!
A few thoughts:
1. Clicking any of the first 3 intro screens takes you to a blank login page.
2. On the location page, all that's provided is a blank page and an input box. You might consider putting some text there to indicate what you want people to do.
3. Finding this in the app store on my phone was difficult. Simply typing hello, or even hello - local communication reinvented, didn't take me to your app. Hellochat was the keyphrase that brought you up, albeit the second entry (the first was the russian app.)
Nobody in my area yet, but I imagine this is like a less anonymous Yik Yak. Could be good for alerting neighbors to important things going on.
Hi David, thank you for your feedback.
1. We are currently investigating this bug
2. This consideration go straight to our UI/UX department
3. We are also working on ASO
Thanks again, we are trying to have more user to get the user in a new Hello-dimension
There really is a proliferation of these apps lately. Back in my day, we used to rely less on technology to meet new people and more on a combination of "chutzpah" and serendipity.
@andythegiant hi Andy. i agree. whilst i'm all for change and technology, apps like these are a backwards step in 'real world' communication between people. i'd hate to think i met my next girlfriend on an app like this, when i could bump in to her at a local coffee shop. #my2cents : )
@talkaboutdesign Hi Maksim, I tried your product and I really like it but it looks totally different to me. You could compare Hello to IRC with geofenced chatrooms linked to places, points of interest and concerts.
Push It instead, got an unnamed place where all your posts go and you haven’t really the perception of the size of that room.
Don’t you think the same?
This reminds me a lot of Huckle (http://www.producthunt.com/posts...). My experience with Huckle was that is was a lot of fun at a conference when everyone was using it, but every time I open it now, there is nobody near me.
This is the type of app that will be great when everyone uses it, but getting from here to there is really hard.
Someone is going to get there, but who?
Giuseppe, what is going to make Hello the app that succeeds where other location-based chat apps have failed?
If you try Hello you'll see how much it's simple to be used by everyone, our strength is simplicity in usability and in user experience.
Plus we are working on some new feature, stay tuned because Hello will be great
Good job. The app is intuitive. I was certain there wouldn't be anyone in my city and there wasn't through no fault of your own. I'm usually waaaay ahead of the curve here.
I, like another reviewer, had difficulty finding it on App Store. But I'm willing to acknowledge the difficulty could be 100% attributed to me. I was trying to do several things at once.
Your description stated that one would be able to chat with "like-minded" people. Assuming this premise is a good thing, will you please elaborate on how the app accomplishes this? Thank you.
FB login failed multiple times with an error msg "Something went wrong", a useful error would be nice :) Twitter login worked.
Who are your target users?
@rahulc_23 Hi Rahul, thanks for reporting the error. We will investigate. Our target user is everyone looking to connect with new people and, for businesses, to communicate with customers locally. Let's say, for example, you are moving to a new college in a new city; you can teleport there and start meeting new friends.
Or, you are at an exhibition and you can meet new people at the same event for business purposes.
Or, if you would like to have specific information on a location, you can ask tips to people living there. And so on...
Hope you'll enjoy it!
@st3mongardi Thanks, Stefano. I get the example #1 about making new friends/meeting new ppl.
#2 seems like the problem sonar was solving and #3 seems like Yelp/Foursquare problem. How does Hello beat them?
@rahulc_23 Yelp/Fsq are collecting static reviews from user, Hello is a new way to communicate instead of classic "leaving a public message". You can ask for a hint, have fun with people in the same place and make new friends.
@edward Hi Edward! Locations are automatically added to the list based on the places available nearby. Right now users cannot add new locations but we are adding new places and areas of interest. Stay tuned! :-)
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