Alexander Lisovoy

Hello Habit - Connecting like-minded people forming good habits

Hello Habit helps:
- Find like-minded people around you
- Track good habits
- Like or kick your new like-minded friends
- Keep a diary of your productivity
- Be energized of like-minded
More featured coming soon

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Alexander Lisovoy
Hi, Product Hunters, My team and I elaborated on the App that helps people to be better than yesterday. Build good habits. Change something in ourselves, break groundhog day, or just be energized by the community of like-minded people. It's just beginning. More useful features are coming soon. Thank you for your upvotes
@lisovoy88 Congratulations for your product. You might be addressing this need gap - ' Buddy Training for anything and everything' posted on my platform - You're welcomed to join the discussion and explain how your product solves their problem, for your customers to find your product easily.
Alexander Lisovoy
@needgap thank you. I will see
Антон Елфимов
Great app for personal habits management!
Almas Abulkhairov
Amazing founder, already has fantastic community. We all need a way to developer useful habits in our life
Alexander Lisovoy
@almasabulkhairov thank you. My team and I will try to make a Big Thing
Andrey Fartushnyi
Крутое приложение!
Trace Brown
This looks like a great idea.
Alexander Lisovoy
@tracebrown Thank you. We will try to make it happened)
Sergey Aikhel
I really like UI and graphics. Great job!
Alexander Lisovoy
@sergey_aikhel appreciate it, thanks
Christina Kalmykova
I like the idea and the style. I can't use facebook, it gives error. I hope in my city will be more people soon :)
Alexander Lisovoy
@christina_kalmykova1 thank you) as for login through FB, we will check it. And will try to attract millions of like-minded people in app)
Alexander Lisovoy
@christina_kalmykova1 do you use iphone or android version?
Parker Hardy
Easy-to-use interface during engagement as well.
Дарья Исаева
Love this idea. I’m a big believer in surrounding yourself with positive people!! Can’t wait to check this app!
Noé Teyssedou
AppStore link goes to the Russian AppStore...
I can not create a new habit. While creating it, keyboard will be shown and hidden each time on key press happen. Video link:
Alexander Lisovoy
@jackphuong please choose an illustration and you will be able to create a habit
@lisovoy88 OK. I delete all habits I just created and can not create any of new ones cause it always show up Unlimited Habits modal. Any ideas?
Alexander Lisovoy
@jackphuong Unlimited Habits modal have to appear when you try co create 3rd habit. Check please "All habits". Maybe you do not deleted previous. And will check it from our side for sure