Ryan Hoover

Here One - AI-powered, wireless headphones by Doppler Labs 🎧


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Ryan Hoover
They just opened up pre-orders, shipping end of the year at $299. While expensive, I've heard they're remarkable from friend that have tried them (cc @suzywillow). The ability to augment what you hear is fascinating (e.g. mute traffic noise when taking a phone call). @pierce has a great overview on Wired. This video is ~year old but does a good job of articulating how it works:
Tangentially, I'm super interested in audio-based interfaces. We're seeing Apple, Google, Amazon, and several startups building software and hardware that supplants traditional ways of interacting with technology: via sight and touch. Of course, the Her comparisons are evident. 😊
Turgay Birand
@rrhoover @suzywillow @pierce Looks pretty promising. The headphone jack of my iPhone has been faulty for a while so I've been shopping for good wireless headphones, definitely a good candidate here.
Yoav Anaki
@tbirand @rrhoover @suzywillow @pierce What headphone jack? :-)
John Borthwick
@rrhoover I have them -- they are great, audio augmentation is very interesting. And charging case is awesome (apple took note of that smart idea)
saarim zaman
@rrhoover the kinda shitty thing they did was that they announced Here One like 3-4 months after they shipped their previous product, the Here Active Listening. Definitely felt screwed out of these new ones because of that.
Suzy Ryoo
@rrhoover @pierce FYI It wasn't Hear One that I tried, it was Nura!! Australian team/company.
✎ Andrew Warner
Anyone see what the battery life is on these?
Scott Williams
@andrewwarner 3 hours and the carrying case provides 2 full charges. https://support.hereplus.me/hc/e...
@scottwwilliams @andrewwarner 3 hours and charging throughout the day won't cut it.
Ali Ahmed
Ryan these aren't AI powered, they simply allow you to access Siri or Google from the buds. From the headline it seemed that this company is exclusively developing an AI robot like Her that would compete against Siri, Viv, Assistant and others, which is a considerably more exciting proposition than some headphones :)
What is the return policy on these, what if they don't work for me?
Bentley Rubinstein
@orliesaurus You can find the return policy for Here One at the following link. Let us know if you have any questions. https://hereplus.me/returns-and-...
Evan Kimbrell
What part of this is AI? I feel like it's just something people slap on everything now.
Fedotov Maxim
After Bragi disappointment, I am quite vary of such products, but still hold hope. That Wired article you mentioned @rrhoover though, makes me quite excited. I am going to wait till some real world reviews come around, but I do hope they are as good as they seem .
Justin Mitchell
@doutatsu Curious why you're disappointed with Bragi. I love mine. By far better than the Samsung IconX
Simon Burns
@doutatsu @rrhoover Was Bragi equally quite hyped? Would be great to read an historical account of that story...
I've been waiting for the "unsubscribe" feature in AR for for.eh.ver. Exciting to see these things take shape. @fritzanity @angusbrown_ @bentleyr
✎ Andrew Warner
They look better than the AirPods, but since apple's product will come out first I'll prob get that.
Greg Moore
This has been a product I've dreamt of building for years. Congrats Here One team!!! Pre-ordering ASAP
Bent Stamnes
I'm sure these sound great, but being an audio-engineer, reading "AI-powered headphones" I did a spittake. Random buzzwords galore? :)
Matthew Davis
These are the real McCoy.
Gabe Kangas
I had the original version of this product, the Here Active Listening earbuds. They were really fantastic the first couple times I used them, and then they lost all reliability. They'd not connect to the phone, the sound would die completely, or have weird static. That said, I did pre-order the Here Ones a while ago as an existing customer, and I hope the reliability is a bit better this time around.
Ghost Kitty
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😧$299? The price seems a little steep for technology that hasn't been mastered yet. I purchased a pair of fully wireless headphones and had nothing but connectivity problems.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Deadpool. 🎧💀