Dimitar Stanimiroff

The Endowment Multiplier by Heresy - The simplest way to assess the efficiency of your sales team

The EM tells you whether you're "over-betting" on your opportunities or put simply - whether you're holding on to bad deals for longer than you really should.

It's the best proxy for overall sales efficiency and the easiest way to spot problems in Sales.

A multiplier >2.7 is a sure sign that your are spending time working the "wrong" deals.

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Jack Barker

It gives you an accurate picture of how much dead weight you're carrying in your sales process. This is wasted time. Cut the dead weight and free up time for deals that can be won!


Very simple to use


You need Salesforce


The multiplier is a really nice alternative way of reviewing and closing what's in the pipeline


Simple and effective


Requires Salesforce