Kevin Li

Heyday - Personal auto journal


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Ryan Hoover
I've been using Heyday off and on for the past several months while in beta. It's been available for a while in a few countries (New Zealand or Canada, I think). It's a personal journal with a heavy Timehop influence. It's most similar competitor is betaworks-backed Memoire ( which launched a few months ago. What I love about the product is its use of nostalgia (I have a fun blog post in the works on this topic). When I visited my hometown a while ago, I received a push notification that read something like: "You took a picture in Eugene, OR 1 year ago" It knew I was in a different location, traveling from SF and it smartly re-engaged me with curiosity.
Harish Venkatesan
Solid onboarding flow & first-time experience, I'm excited to use this app over time.
Kam Bain ✍
Good shit @liveink I'll give it a try.
Ghost Kitty
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Jonathan Tzou
I like it more and more :)
Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Misha Chellam
@rrhoover @nbashaw I like how this has turned into a Q&A thread w/ @blader, would be cool to curate this and add it to a HeyDay's product page (which I assume will eventually be a feature of Product Hunt).
Kevin Li
been a beta tester for 14 months, still use it daily
Kam Bain ✍
How is this different from Day One? Is it better or just different? I'm a big fan of Day One.
Ryan Hoover
I forgot to mention, my favorite feature of Heyday is the auto-filters. It might sound uninspiring until you see it in action. E.g.
Kevin Li
@kam_bain i tried day one for about 3 months and just found it too much work to write if i miss a day. With Heyday, I get the photo / location cues so it helps me with the context of that day.
Ryan Hoover
Welcome, @blader! First question: You've been in quiet beta for a LOOONG time relative to other startups. Why didn't you release Heyday sooner?
Ghost Kitty
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Nathan Baschez
Thanks for hanging out @blader ! I'm curious how you went about finding beta users? Just friends / family? How'd you gather feedback?
Kevin Li
@blader i think this is your second company, can you talk about how building heyday was "emotionally" different than building super viral facebook apps? if you had to go through this process again (would you want to pull a "heyday" or "friendsforsale")? were there any learnings you picked up from doing your first company that better prepared you for building HeyDay?
Dan Hopwood
@blader Hey Siqi, just had a play and really impressed with your execution, excited to see it play out. Is collaboration an area you intend to extend into? cc @rrhoover
Ryan Hoover
@blader - I love your answer to @liveink's question. It reminds me of @nireyal's writing (see and questions I've asked myself of what I want to do post-PlayHaven. Another question: What was your initial "vision" or idea for the product on day 1 and how has that changed (if at all) since?
Ghost Kitty
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Ryan Hoover
@blader - I like that. :) Reminds me of Phil Libin's vision for Evernote -- to become your external brain -- but more emotionally stimulating and personal.