Mail simple, real-life greeting cards in seconds for just $5
Cody Ko
Hey. — Mail simple, real-life greeting cards in seconds for just $5
Max Wendkos
I love the idea of sending cards, but this seems really over-priced. Sincerely and Postagram both let you send customized cards with your own photos for much less.
Jeseph Meyers
@maxwendkos I have to agree. It's a neat idea, but I'm not sure the pricepoint is justified, especially with a 7-14 day delivery time.
Cody Ko
@maxwendkos @jesephm Thanks for the feedback! What price would you expect for a service like this? With the printing service we're using, foldable cards are a full dollar more expensive than post cards, so we thought $5 was a reasonable price point. From the looks of it, Postagram only sends postcards right?
Andrew Brackin
@maxwendkos @jesephm @codyk I don't think $5 is unreasonable, if the quality is really solid. This is something people will only do once most likely.
Arjun Sarode
I love simple projects like this! They sound like they're having a lot of fun with what they're doing. Also, sick.af is probably the best company name I've seen.
Vincent Birlouez
I recently came across thortful.com for greetings cards. Content is sourced from independent artist and I have used them a couple of time and I have been happy with the result.
Raymond Lou
cool concept but not original or price competitive...postagram does a much better job including photos and with the product offerings for cheaper.
Check out www.roadiecards.com - Similar idea but sends greeting cards from traditional brands and within one day
Mike Coutermarsh
this made me LOL 👍
Cody Ko
Cody Ko
hey guys thanks for checking this out. @devspinn and I had fun making it
Javier S
Actually this with an API + 'handwritten text' feature could be soooo great.
@codyko You're great. And this is great.
Cody Ko
@codyko @aaavvvw thanks! 🙌🙌
Kevin Chau
"Even North Korea. Lmao" Lmao.