It takes a lot of the workflows/smart folders/scripts people might develop and renders them unnecessary. The outcome is more visual, efficient and productive, ultimately more pleasurable.
How come in the recent PH newsletter you can read: 4. HEY is a new way of creating, sending, and organizing emails (i.e., they reinvented the proverbial email wheel). Get your own @hey account for free. ... This is not free at all. :(
?makers How does Hey deal with calendar invites?
They can be a notable share of many inboxes, hence the full integration attempts in Outlook to GMail. Yet I can imagine trying to reinvent scheduling is not a small adjacent feature...
Of course, anything from the Basecamp team is worth considering! Waiting for an invite. In the mean time, wondering if there'd be a way to import the bazillion of emails that we already have on Gmail,, etc.?
I am intrigued by the product and wonderful to see someone as resourceful as Basecamp
make an attempt to solve e-mail. A dealbreaker for me, however, is the inability to import my existing e-mails. I wish you good luck with the launch and road ahead!
@jasonfried I watched your YouTube demo and I'm really excited about Hey. Especially a future version where we can use our own domains.
I do have a question for you and @dhh though, do you anticipate adding "Snooze" or "Send then Snooze" features that will allow me to make threads appear back in my Imbox at a specific datetime in the future?
I'm not sure that the "Reply Later" and "Set Aside" functions are sufficient for real-world workflows where I want something to go away until I need it again.
@dhh@circuitfive Thanks! No plans to add Snooze right now. We've been using HEY internally for many months and while I used to occasionally use Snooze in Gmail, I don't miss it (or want it) in HEY. Reply Later and Set Aside work wonderfully in real-world scenarios. There's no theory in this product - we've been hammering it with thousands of real emails over many months of real use, and the concepts hold up really well. I think you'll find the same when you try it.
@dhh@jasonfried I hope you'll reconsider. For me, snooze was the absolute killer feature of Google Inbox. I use snoozed emails daily, both as long-term reminders set weeks or months away (future action deadlines, reminders e.g. that a package is about to be delivered or that I need to follow up on an invoice, catching up with a contact just before their next budget planning date, etc etc...) and for shorter-term triage (hiding away emails that need action but not today by a few days, or pushing non-urgent personal emails to the evening/weekend).
I'm really interested in Hey, and maybe I'm wrong, but snooze is a super core part of how I handle all email every day right now, and the one part that works really well. I can't imagine letting that go.
Surprise by the push as I joined the waiting list a while ago and haven't heard anything since then. Just gave me time to learn with Superhuman, let's see - looking forward to the FTUX!
Talk about solving a problem/ pain. If you watch the full 30 min video you can't deny that it is a game changer. Yes there is hype (you *should* speak highly of a product you created) but it lives up to it. Email is not an easy beast to take on, so hats off to you @jasonfried and @dhh for taking on the challenge. Looking forward to switching to
I had the pleasure of getting an early walkthrough with @jasonfried last month. I'm very impressed with the level of detail and creative thinking that went into Hey.
It's deserving of the hype rn.
@jasonfried@rrhoover any chance for an access code? I'd love to make a video about this for my YT channel and design students. It really ticks all boxes!