Jonathan Howard

Highly for Chrome - The highlighter your browser always wanted

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Jonathan Howard
Now Highly works on every single website! Add their highlighter button for Chrome, and your highlighter stays one click or keyboard shortcut away, anywhere. (Except for "shifty" pages like gmail :) I've been following the Highly team since @Bosefina posted their web version of Highly last year. Since then it's saved me a bunch of time, and been fun to see them evolve their product, launch on mobile, and vastly expand the number of sites they support. @covrter @wuebben Can you guys talk about the product & engineering decisions from the way your private beta did highlighting, to mobile, to a browser extension for every site in the world? And now that Medium launched a highlighter, how are you thinking Highly fits into the reading/saving/sharing landscape?
Hi Hunters! Thanks for Hunting us, @staringispolite! The product choice was easy, and the technology was less so. Our MVP approach was to take slurp stories into a “reader view” and enable highlighting there. Despite the benefits (like making @paulg’s site readable, heyo!), the experience was jarring and felt slow. It was immediately clear that highlighting needed to happen on the original piece. It’s instant and intuitive. Getting it work was neither. Hey @wuebben, tell us about the tech!
@staringispolite I love the way you pose the reading/saving/sharing question because that’s an useful way to think about it. Reading! We want stories worth our time, and there are more of those than ever. Friends’ highlights are a great lens for the constant choice: should I read on? Saving (Time Shifting) is a superpower! Snooze stories until you can give them attention. Also super: because my Pocket list is paired with Highly, by the time I’m ready to read ‘em, I can often start with friends highlights (see above). Saving (Keep a Copy) is hard! People fill their Evernotebooks and Dropboxes then never revisit them. What we think we’ll want in the future and what we do is … not the same. Maybe Timehop is the most interesting thing happening there :) Sharing! Our habits are been shaped by our tools: we have links, so we share articles. But we *really* want to share ideas, so we *really* need a way to, ahem, highlight those. The rise of Tweetshots/Screenshorts/@OneShots captures this desire well.
Eric Wuebben
Thanks @staringispolite for your hunt and your highlights! We learned a lot by first launching as private beta. We took the shortest tech route possible that’d enable lots of use cases early. Initially, we invited a few dozen people in and let them invite a couple more peers. While only users could make highlights, we ensured anyone could consume them, without account, from any device. Less tire kicking, more driving. Then came on-article (Chrome first). We knew on-article highlighting could ease use 10x, and we knew it was a beastly technical challenge. On the web, we can assume nothing re layout, appearance, ads, colors, etc … and article content changes more than you’d think. It’s often the case that you and I are seeing slightly different pages. URL conventions don’t exist. Many are pushing functionality into the url that has nothing to do with the content of the page. Pagination, ajax-loaded scrolling into next article, ad injections mid-story, etc. … you get the picture. Delivering any consistency across these variables has been a major accomplishment. And there’s plenty of work left to do.
Elisa Jo Harkness
@covrter Saving/Saving is such an important and too-often-overlooked distinction. As a serious reader, I use Evernote to save EVERYTHING after I've read (and annotated) it - it isn't perfect but the full-text search is unparalleled. Nothing resurfaces old knowledge quite like getting to glimpse your own annotations in (something close to) the visual context in which you originally encountered it.
@eliservescent Yes! Evernote dominates that use case. You reminded me to mention that the design decision to include some context around the Highlighted Passage itself is a big one. On Medium, for instance, they include the full paragraph (which looks great).
Can you highlight Product Hunt? Yes, and it's a dope way to share the best of the AMAs. We'll be live-highlighting @om and @jason. Check out @mirceap's highlights from these earlier AMAs: @StartupLJackson @dens @bhorowitz
Eric Wuebben
@covrter Also, love for the highlights from @naval's AMA (install Highly for Chrome above, then click link).
Eric Wuebben
Cy! @saidurh Thank you. :)
Nick O'Neill
Hey guys, the new highlighter is excellent for Chrome! I spend lots of time reading on my phone as well... any plans to help me highlight there?
@nickoneill Thanks Nick! Highly should live wherever you read, so heck yes it's coming to your phone. Highly for iOS is well underway (sign up to test it here: Prototypes galore on my home screen:
@nickoneill Shoutout to @OneShot and @Medium (among others ... I could go on) who have have solved pieces of the mobile highlighting flow beautifully.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
@jongold Yes, it's absolutely planned. Because a) you own your highlights and you can put them wherever you'd like, and b) #realtalk why trust the ideas you care most about to a startup? The current Export (nice sleuthing!) is just a start.
Roy Bahat
This is making it so much easier for me to highlight all the things... well done guys... #proudinvestor
@roybahat Thanks Roy! #proudinvestee
Bo Ren
I've been loving Highly since day 1 and fell deeply in love with it for its ability to transmit thought and incentivize friends to read from each other. I often stumble upon great pieces on the web through my friends at Highly--pieces I otherwise would have missed. Thanks @covrter and @wuebben for keeping us reading :) Long form is not going to die thanks to Highly!
Eric Wuebben
@bosefina, aka the O.G. Hunter! Thanks for helping us read amazing things. I couldn't agree more. There are so many amazing ideas / statements out there buried within each story. You've been so great at highlighting them to life. Keep selecting. Thanks.
Patrick Traughber
Go Highly! I love using it to share excerpts of stuff I find online. Awesome product & team.
@ptraughber Thank you Patrick! Your highlights are killer.
Nadia Eghbal
Highly is the only product I tried as a VC that I still use. Love the new extension!
Eric Wuebben
Usage is the greatest compliment. Highly loves @nayafia :)
Johnny Quach
Question about the sign-up flow: I clicked facebook sign up but it's asking me for user name, password, and email. Why?
@johnnyquachy At the moment, we require an email & password for every account. And we don't ask Facebook for your email address. But we should, and will :)
Johnny Quach
@covrter just feedback but it feels like you're taking my facebook info for something spammy (which I know you aren't). That's just he initial feeling I get. When I click a FB button on any flow I do it because it expedites my sign-up and if I experience anything else I'll feel uncomfortable.
@johnnyquachy Totally agree — it feels sketchy and slow. We'll improve this!
Elisa Jo Harkness
I'm stoked for this! I've had you guys on my radar for a few months now, but back in May when I was doing some digital housecleaning, Highly couldn't stand up to Diigo web annotator. Now I have to decide whether it's worth making a switch. Where on the roadmap is importing highlights from Diigo etc/adding IFTTT or Zapier integrations/integrating with Evernote? Also: your customer success icon is hovering in the bottom-right corner, right over your menu for Find Friends, Add to Chrome, and Feedback.
@eliservescent Thanks so much, Elisa! TBH we've not looked much at migrations/integrations because we're focused on building a think that inspires migration first :). But I would looooove to hear some ideas about how we could play with @evernote – it's a common request with near-zero overlap among suggested executions. (Head hover bug noted!)
Elisa Jo Harkness
@eliservescent and unfortunately it seems that the highlight-to-tweet isn't working for me right now ):
Eric Wuebben
Sorry about that @eliservescent! DM me and we'll get it figured out:
Elisa Jo Harkness
@covrter Off the top of my head: right now I use Diigo to highlight and then Evernote Web Clipper to save everything. If you could incorporate a Save-to-Evernote function it would save a step, though you'd need to give the option to save the whole page/article (as text, not image) rather than just the highlighted portion.
@eliservescent So you want to end up with a) all text, some of which is b) highlighted. Right? (PS: tried Evernote Clearly? Decent highlighting right in the Elephant flow there).
Kevin Espiritu
Met @covrter and @wuebben at Launch Festival earlier this year and love Highly! Super excited for this, I really do need to return to my highlighting addiction.
@kevinespiritu Kevin your highlighting game is so tight. Get back in the arena, my friend!
Eric Wuebben
And your battled through the heavy-friction version of @highly @kevinespiritu. Hoping you love the new on-article flow. Let us know after you give it a go. Cheers!
Sung Cho
Great execution, @covrter, @wuebben, and @unquietcode! You guys set a new standard for a browser extension. I loved all the attention to details, such as the red dot cursor changing depending on whether the text is highlightable or not.
@sungmoon Glad you noticed! *blushing*
Matt Cartagena
just shared my first highlight!
Eric Wuebben
Thanks for checking us out @matt_cartagena! Hit us up anytime with feedback.
Alex Ratner
Congrats guys! Great team, great product. Looking forward to using it with friends!
@apr214 Thanks Alex!
Eric Wuebben
@apr214! Thanks man. :)
@nicolasegosum You are! Thanks Nicolas.
Chris Herbert
Can I highlight images and share them?
@cgherb Highly highlights text, then produces an image you can share (like this: Check out @oneshot if you're hoping to highlight text that's already in an image.
I can't believe this doesn't have more upvotes! One of the originals & definitely the best. I use it every single day now without even thinking twice about it.