Chris Messina

Hinge 7.0 - The dating app that’s designed to be deleted

Top Hunter

Hinge is the dating app for people who want to get off dating apps. And it’s working. Currently, 3 out of 4 first dates lead to second dates. Hinge is the #1 mobile-first dating app mentioned in the New York Times wedding section.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Clever new marketing slogan for dating app Hinge: "Designed to be Deleted"
Andrew F. Turner
As someone who tried and gave up on Hinge pretty quickly, this new branding may actually persuade me to give it a second try. I guess marketing does work lol.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@andrewfturnerjr why didn't it work for you? I had quite a bit of luck using it...
Andrew F. Turner
@chrismessina perhaps it's the city size? It was also several years ago. It seemed like a lot of the ladies just weren't my type. idk. I guess we'll see if I have more luck now!
Why is it still not available in Europe?
Albert Tirol
Personally I guess that the author chose the wrong name for this dating app, because people, on the contrary, will only download this dating app, people need dating sites and apps to get acquainted with each other - that's the cruel truth... Personally, I have a lot of friends from Russia and even they can't find a couple... Really, my close friend even uses russianhearts us review due to the fact, that she's so busy on work, that doesn't even have time to talk to anyone in real life... I hope she found someone with the help of that dating site, however, if your dating app is so popular, then I would advise her to use this app too :)
Ariana Freebird
Lol when i read “Designed to be deleted” i thought it was one of those cheat-on-your-partner apps 😆
Alita Angle
Pooya K

Horrible marketing messaging, "Designed for people who want to get off dating apps, too". This means the app is for people who have been on dating apps far too long and still single. No dating app has worked for them nor has anyone appealed to them, but this one for sure will not be appealing. So be ready to hit uninstall right after you install because it sucks so much, nothing actually comes up on the app other than a malfunctioning AI that is thinking for far too long.


Attemps to stand out from the rest


Horrible Marketing

Anna Filou
Not necessarily, you’re being too harsh. It could mean that they found other dating apps to be too shallow or focused on hook ups 🙃
Anna Filou
Wow, love the marketing and the design of the app and website! 😍 Seems like it’s not available in Europe? I wonder why 🤷🏻‍♀️