Hipstamatic Classic
Beautiful Analog Photography
Ryan Hoover

Cinamatic — Beautiful short films (from Hipstamatic)

Ryan Hoover
Remember Hipstamatic? Well the team behind the Instagram-like app just released Cinamatic on iOS. Looking forward to trying it out. On a related note, there's a resurgence of video-based mobile apps lately, thanks in part to faster (1) processing power and (2) internet connectivity (LTE). Mindie, Convies, and Blab are video-only but other media-communication apps like Snapchat (Chat), TapTalk, and Leo use video in combination with photos + text. cc'ing @willydennis from Hollerback
Will Dennis
interesting. looks sort of like a VSCO for video @rrhoover. mobile video is definitely a trend. interesting to see the different approaches given that video as a medium blurs the line between content and communication.
Daniel Hanks
Very close to Vidlab, released recently by @rpnickson and @sarperdag of Piclab.