Congratulations @fredrivett@mikeaag on the launch of your first podcast. The introduction is great! The sound is really, really good. Excellent microphones (what are you using?), you have a good quiet background (sounds like a studio), you probably have pop guards over the mic, perfect time, great outro music and you offer valuable advice. Now your goal is to reach over 7 episodes with consistent releases.
How long did it take you to create episode 1 (including post-production editing)? My lesson is the longer it takes to create each episode, the higher the likelihood you'll give up after several episodes. In summary, I care about your subject matter and I'll listen regularly. This is useful:
Remember this episode we recorded last year?
Hit me up when you're on iTunes and I'll leave a 5-star review
@paul_s_kemp@fredrivett@mikeaag I was going to leave a comment of feedback, but Paul basically said it all. :)
Great podcast. Got the chance to finish it this morning on the commute into Austin. I'll definitely be a regular listener.
@paul_s_kemp@mikeaag Hey Paul 👋
Thanks for the kind words!
Yep the microphones are great, they're Mike's. One's a Scarlett Studio CM25 and the other's an sE2200a. Yep, we got pop guards. Outro music is from Kevin Macleoud:
The first two episodes have taken about 4-5 hours total, but I think we'll get that down to about an hour once we get the swing of things. Part of that is just getting the episodes setup.
Agree on the goal of consistent releases. That's the challenge!
Yep, our first ever podcast interview that, was great to do :)
Will be sure to let you know when we're up on iTunes, appreciate the support dude!
Hey all 👋
In this episode (our first _proper_ episode), we share about a topic close to our heart, Launching.
Most people never manage to get there, which is why we see it as the most important step you can take.
We also share some numbers on how our launch went down, including total listens, signups, and look at how the conversion rate differs from some of the previous projects we've made.
We hope you like it 😇
As always, any feedback, hit reply and let us know.
@fbara Hey Frank. Sorry to hear about the issue!
Right now we're not officially on Overcast, but you can add our RSS feed to subscribe:
Let me know if you have any issues, or any other thoughts 👍
Operation Pie