Abishek Muthian

HN to Kindle - Read Hacker News on your Kindle

Read Hacker News on your kindle in all that e-paper glory, Take notes from comments and find them when you need it.

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Abishek Muthian
Seasoned HN users know that the real gold is in the comments. I wanted a better way to take notes, assimilate knowledge from the HN comments and find them when I need it. So I decided to leverage note taking and library facilities offered by Kindle by sending Hacker News stories to it. Besides, the dark mode and e-paper goodness are just cherries on the top. Give it a try on your Kindle e-book reader or Kindle app on your other Internet connected devices and please let know what you think of it!
Abishek Muthian
Thanks Nikhil!
Abishek Muthian
Amazon has killed 3rd party 'send to kindle' feature with requiring 2FA for every transfer for bulk emails. So I've converted 'HN To Kindle' to 'HN To E-Book' for reading HN on any E-Book readers. And made it open-source! - https://github.com/abishekmuthia... .