There's been a ton of these products in the past but I hope one of them catches on!
@rrhoover Random thought. It'd be fun to have people try products from PH then come back later and review, rate, etc. then make a hall of fame. I'd be curious what people's experience with this is after trying it.
Thanks for the submission and thoughts all--very late to the game commenting here (just got comments rights), would love to hear from anyone who's been using Assistant (or even stopped using after trying).
@mikepreuss Are you trying it from ? Or just V2 works from me but the main domain might now work just yet.
Not my startup. Wish I could help more!
I've tried a lot of these (most recently Calendly) and they all have come up short but, which isn't an elegant solution. I miss Tungle a had UI and all the features. It's a shame Blackberry killed it.
@andyfortson V2 works. Thx!
I would love to have this live in Gmail after giving it a spin. Taking me outside of my standard workflow is tough.
Streak has "snippets". It would be great for a scheduling tool to have something like this.
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