Jake Mor

FitnessAI - Get Stronger, Faster with Artificial Intelligence

FitnessAI uses artificial intelligence to generate personalized weightlifting plans. Based on 6M+ workouts, the AI automatically optimizes sets, reps and weight every time you workout for optimal muscle growth and recovery. Start your 7-day free trial today.

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Clay McGinnis
Any chance on an Android version?
Jake Mor
@clay_mcginnis If sales stay strong absolutely!
Indy Sangha
@clay_mcginnis @jakemor how are sales looking? would love this app on android. am a paying subscriber and would love to stay with the app as changing phone to android.
Jake Mor
Hi PH! I launched a super bare bones version of FitnessAI at the beginning of the year just to see what would happen. After 500 paying users and tons of iterations I'm finally proud enough of the product to share it with the community. The app employs a specially designed algorithm to increase or decrease an exercises difficulty by the perfect amount, every workout session. The goal of the algorithm is to delay plateaus while optimizing for muscle growth in the shortest period of time. I built the algorithm from the ground up based on over 5,000,000 workout sessions I collected from a previous app called Lift Log, a weight lifting journal for iOS. The dataset is larger than any publicly available dataset I could find. On average, users lift 20% more weight by volume in their first 30 days on the platform. As many of you may know, new lifters experience explosive growth in their first 30 days no matter what. As of today however, 70% of our users considered themselves experienced lifters during sign up. This means no matter what your experience level is, FitnessAI can help you make the most out of your time at the gym, by either following FitnessAI's routine to the T, or customizing it to your liking. Would love any and all feedback :)
Zachary Mor
I’ve been working out for years, but honestly, until now, I used to have bad form and commitment issues. My big gym ego used to push me to lift more than I could handle well. I had to account for this by cheating with bad form (because you know, you gotta get those reps in). With the app, I trusted the baseline weights they assigned me, I knew the algorithm would push me. And it did help me grow, since I didn’t have to deal with all the guess work, I just perfected my form with the weights it gave me. Which is also why this app helped me commit to working out regularly. It’s just much easier. It take a lot of effort to design and constantly tune your regimen - at least for me, it diminishes my motivation. It’s just not a problem anymore though, and I haven’t quit going to the gym for months. There’s no more figuring out what to do: I wake up wanting to go to the gym, I check my phone to see what day it is, all I gotta do next is get my ass up and pump some iron. The app removed all the guess work from the gym and that changed my life.
Giovanni Brown
Works great been using it for a few months and finally was able to reach a new deadlift max at 405.
Jake Shelley

Any cons I had were quickly fixed/taken care of by the team!


I don't work out enough, and this app makes me want to. It's similar to Calm in that its great for beginners and for turbo charging experts


None I can think of.

Yarden Shaked
Been using it for a month now and have been able to steadily improve my bench strength. Super customer-friendly interface as well. Good work
Jake Mor
@yard_shaked Thanks for the kind words Yard
Tom Bielecki
This looks really interesting, I'm going to try it out. I'm a personal trainer. Can you talk a little about how you are using your dataset to inform the sets, reps, and progression scheme?
Anna Filou
Seems pretty cool! Are you planning on adding a body weight mode or something like that? At the moment it’s only suited for lifting, is it not?
Jake Mor
@anna_0x Yes lifting only at the moment, but working on making routines more accessible :) an ab routine is on its way which will not require a gym
Anna Filou
@jakemor cool! I think it would be great if this had bodyweight exercise progressions (e.g. from push-up, to do push-up, to incline diamond pushup)! The AI would come in handy (would tell you when to start practicing the next progression) ;)
PH 07
Waiting for android version.
Love it, good job👍
Matt Bowling

I’m happy with product


Easy to set up and use.


As of now only available on Apple.

kate allen

Super product if not a little niche!


It does all you need to get you pumped!


Makes me feel like I should do more!

Jared Phillips

Nice app and ideal workout product


Nice and simple and very motivational in many ways


Me! I just can't be bothered to work out sometimes...

Johnson Lee
Pretty helpful for those who wanna stay fit!
Jake Mor
@johnson_lee Thanks Johnson! Much appreciated
Cherif Habib
Been using it for a couple of weeks and super impressed so far. Great job! Looking forward to seeing what happens when the "AI" kicks in. I would love to see an option to switch weights from kgs to lbs (without changing iPhone settings) and to increase the workout length (currently capped at 40 mins).
Jake Mor
@cherif Noted! You can always add exercises to the end of a routine if you like :) Message me in app — I can recommend what to add
Meredith Larsen

As a woman I was always told lifting would make me bully or manly, but over the past few months since starting lifting with FitnessAI, my friends and family have told me I look more toned and fit than ever. I add in my own accessory moves and cardio a few days a week, but I give a lot of credit to this app for making it SO easy to get fit, strong, and lean. I feel powerful when I walk into the weight section of the gym instead of intimidated! 10/10 recommend!


Makes you want to work out, user friendly design, demo for each exercise, Jake will answer questions, doesn’t over-complicate fitness


I would like to be able to pick my split days (2 upper body and 2 lower body instead of 3 upper 2 lower) coming in a future update.

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Michael Davis
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Thiago Monteiro
Really good job! Loved the application!
Tom Romanski
Used the app and it's really cool.