Ryan Hoover

Honeybadger - Dig up company info for the sites you visit (Chrome Ext.)


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Surjith S M
Site is Unavailable.. Page Not Found. So, Here's the direct Link : https://chrome.google.com/websto...
Ryan Hoover
I had a conversation with a VC (sorry, I can't remember who it was but I'm pretty sure they're on Product Hunt) asking for a product like this. Honeybadge is a Chrome Extension that surfaces info about the company, team, traffic, funding, etc. using data from Crunchbase, Compete, and other sources for the site being viewed. This needs Mattermark integration, @sparkzilla & @daniellemorrill. :)
Livia Zhang
This sounds very similar to http://www.producthunt.com/posts...
Tim McDougall
I'm getting a "page not found" error when I follow the link as well. Which is a shame - sounds like a great tool and would like to try it out.
James Lee
@rrhoover thanks for the post! @ffumarola I'm taking a look at the crunchbase right now. We're actually using already for the company info. Didn't realize competitors are there. Taking a look at few sites though, seems like it's rarely available.
Baily Hancock
Hey @jleebiz - I tried installing Startuptabs to my Chrome extensions, but I keep getting an error message that it "can't unzip" the file. Any idea why? Thanks!
Goktug Yilmaz
"Read and change all your data on the websites you visit" I get turned off by any extension that requires to read and change all my datas..
Frank Fumarola
Nice find, should make my internet perusing a lot more interesting! For the "Competitors" they could certainly pull competitors from Crunchbase, wonder why they aren't doing at least that right now.
Keeran Ravee
Awesome tool. My only concern is the sensitive details available on WHOIS.
Dave Ambrose
@rrhoover um, INSTALLED
Tom Masiero
The team over at @Hubspot recently launched "insights" via the Signals app that is similar to honey badger but also adds contact info as a bonus.
Andy Keil
Loving this.
Baily Hancock
I'm having trouble using it - I get stuck on a waiting screen, long after the sponsorship message ends. I also don't like that if you click away from that tab it stops working. Does anyone else use the Startup Tracker extension? I'm not sure how this will differ yet (mostly because I can't get it to work!)
Getting page not found.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
just discovered this, just the tool I need!