Elon Moist

Honeyminer Mac - Earn bitcoin with your computer 🍯

Honeyminer is the simplest mining application in the game. The app uses your computer's CPUs and GPUs to mine cryptocurrencies and pays you in bitcoin. Install with one click and you will be earning bitcoin while you sleep!
Available for Windows and now Mac!

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Congratulations to the Honeyminer team! We have been working incredibly hard to get the Mac app launched for all our users. Today it's finally happening! You are going to love this app.
Elon Moist
@nondualrandy Proof of Work! πŸ’―
Honeyminer 🍯
@nondualrandy heck yes Randy. Couldn’t have done it without you πŸ’›
Animator O'Neill

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.


Stack sats whilst sleeping.


Can't sleep all day.

Thanks Animator! You are the best
Elon Moist
Thanks Animata, appreciate the love. You are a well rested user thanks to Honeyminer!
Do you have any numbers? If I run my i7 MacBook Pro for 8 hours per day how much BTC will I be able to get?
Elon Moist
@itsshashank no official numbers but let us know what kind of stats you get!
Gary Arthur
@itsshashank Hello Shashank! Are you also an investor in interesting Cryptocurrency projects and business modules?
Elon Moist
Since the earliest days of Honeyminer, our mission has been to harness the computing power of every single connected device in the world - to enable everyone in the world to join the digital money revolution (and earn the most they possibly can). Today, we at Honeyminer are proud to announce that we are marking a milestone towards our mission. You can now Stack Sats with Honeyminer using your Apple Computer! Just go to honeyminer.com on your Mac and click download – that's it! If you love what we are doing at Honeyminer, please let the world know! We would love to hear feedback on what you want most as a Honeyminer user. πŸ―πŸš€
MeanHash Co
Honeyminer is the easiest way to start #stackingsats by mining Cryptocurrencies. In a matter of a few clicks you can be setup and mining on anything from a laptop all the way to a power mining rig. If you are new to mining or just interested in earning BTC passive income Honeyminer is the fastest way to get started mining.
Aaron O'Leary
Love this concept, flipping whole mining game on it's head, already downloaded for Mac now and excited to try it out!
Honeyminer 🍯
@aaronoleary Thanks for the love Aaron. May Honeyminer bless your wallet with many Sats πŸ™
Josh Petty

One of the best crypto projects out there.


Super simple miner application, been using it on my gaming PC to earn some bitcoin.


Now I’m buying GPUs like crazy. Addicted to the game.

Thanks Josh! Huge fan of your work :)
Gary Arthur
@jashpetty Hello Josh! Are you also an investor in interesting Cryptocurrency projects and business modules?
I love collecting satoshis, it's very simple to use, honeyminer makes your life easier, anyone can use it without having great knowledge.
Honeyminer 🍯
The day has finally arrived my sweet honeyminers! We want to make Bitcoin accessible to EVERYONE. With Honeyminer available on Windows and now Mac, every man, woman, and child can stack sats with their computers. May our lord Satoshi bless you with an abundance of Satoshis πŸ™ Hash on - Diggy

Best tech support and application development team. Product is regularly updated, tweaked and fine tuned.


Easiest path to crypto mining and has the best return per hash!


No cons

Thanks piggly!
Gary Arthur
@trufflepig1 Hello ! Are you also an investor in interesting Cryptocurrency projects and business modules?
Groovy Bit
Cool stuff, try it out !
Royal Crypto Trader
Great project. Stack sats and earn experience with your idle time and CPU power.
Chris Mezzacappa

If you don't have the time/energy to spec mine on custom builds, honeyminer is a great option to make your PC/mac work while you're not on it. Easy setup, fun interface, stable.


Easy to use, fun to look at


Can make more money spec mining, but it's a pain.

Thanks for the feedback Chris! Hope you enjoy your experience with Honeyminer!
Thomas Deinhamer
So why is the honeyminer website using 100% of my CPU? Can someone confirm/explain? Thanks!
Thomas Deinhamer
@zigex7 I'm talking about the website, not the application.
Daniel Sosa

Good way to mass adopt within general market and bring crypto mining to more people.


Accessible and easy interface.


No Cons yet....

Abhishek Nair

Keep calm & hodl


Yay mac support


Version 1

Matt Leighty

Bringing crypto to the laymen.


Makes mining simple.


Higher income brackets.

Matt! Thanks so much brother!
Luke Thomas
Nice! Was just checking out Honeyminer the other day....glad to see the Mac app is live now. Will give it a try :)
Jon Creasy

If you're not using Honeyminer, your computer is failing you. Earn that passive income now!


Honeyminer makes earning Bitcoin as easy as a download and a flipped switch. Turn it on, forget about it, and rake in the Sats!


Cashing out could be a bit easier but it's already so simple!

Hey Jon! Thanks for the great feedback! We hope to address all your issues with future updates