Thanks so much for the hunt!
Our mission with Hooked is to make reading and writing as easy as texting your friends.
We've designed our new in-app writing tool to kill writer's block once and for all!
Writing can be overwhelming. But with Hooked, all you have to do is write your story one message a time. You can create characters to tell different parts of your story, and you can incorporate images and video as well.
You'll be amazed at how well you can write when you just take it a message at a time.
Hooked is designed for narrative, and we've found that almost any piece of information is best conveyed through a good story.
Everyone has a story to tell. We hope people will use Hooked to tell the stories of their lives, write articles, conduct interviews and teach interesting things to others.
Let me know of any feedback you have, on either the writing or reading experience! We are working hard to improve the product everyday and would love the community's input.
Happy writing! But might just get hooked ;)
H0_0t h0_0t!
@prernagupta this reminds me of a drinking game I used to play in university where one person had to say one line of a story and it went around the circle (I promise its not as shit as it sounds).
Is it just a one person story for now or is it actually collaborative so you and your friends could write a story together?
@bentossell you read our minds :) collaborative writing coming soon! this version is focused on solo writers, but we have something in works that will address this very use case. thanks for the feedback!
Love that you're creating a new format for storytelling, @prernagupta.
Shower thought you may have already explored: what if you offered serialized stories delivered like actual text messages, once every 10-60 minutes throughout one's day? It might be distracting but I can imagine it being a fun and more immersive way to read Hooked content.
@rrhoover thank you!! honored to have you say so :) That is an awesome idea and definitely something we're exploring, along with interactive fiction! Totally with you :)
Super pumped for this new release! Love the ability to create my own content. Excited to read stories generated by the community.
@prernagupta, what are your thoughts on using the Hooked platform for non-fiction?
*disclaimer: investor in Hooked...
@jtriest Hooked is really fun for non-fiction content as well!
Our belief is that almost any piece of information is best conveyed through a good narrative. Narrative helps your audience stay engaged. Also, the bite-sized nature of the Hooked format forces you, as the writer, to cut out the fat and stick to the important points. We use Hooked for our quarterly investor updates, and everyone loves it!
Some other non-fiction ideas for Hooked: interviews, recipes, fashion blogs, socratic dialogue, career advice...the list goes on :)
@brettdem great question!
We believe text is a powerful medium for communicating thoughts and experiences. It's the purest form of storytelling, and allows you to use your imagination and put your own experiences and vision into the story. We believe there is a massive opportunity in making the written word easier to read and write.
But we do support photo and video content as well :)
Hooked is about creating great stories in text message format, which includes anything you can send in a messenger.
Ultimately, we believe that a great story resonates across all mediums, but it makes sense to create it in text first, and then invest in developing it into more visual formats once your story has traction.
For example, we took one of our most popular text stories, "Past Perfect", and turned it into a video story, as a reenactment. Search for "Past Perfect (reenactment)" in Hooked and check it out. It's pretty fun :)
Loved hooked 1.0, and excited about the diversity of stories, interviews, and content to come by opening up the creation platform.
What's been the most popular category so far??
@joanneyuanyuan thank you! Excited to read one of your stories soon :)
Our most popular categories are thriller, romance and sci-fi! We have a really popular series in the app called "Dead of Night", which is one of my personal favorites thus far.
When I first tried Hooked, it sounded like a cool app to kill time more wisely, not just to entertain yourself. Sadly I didn't feel hooked after a few first stories. For me, personally, it lacked smart content. You should work on adding more "serious" stories. Best of luck.
@inamedinova thanks for the feedback Laura! We've added hundreds of stories in the past few months, with a focus on deeper, episodic narratives. So there may be stories you enjoy more now :) But one of the main reasons we created Hooked 2.0 is to allow a greater diversity of stories to come onto the platform. Hopefully someday soon we'll have stories that appeal to every type of reader :)
@abe_storey thanks so much, that's great to hear! the core demo thus far has been female ages 13-30, which was always our hope since this is the demo that drives fiction in the U.S. :)
Congrats @prernagupta and team! Especially excited to see the incorporation of visual media into stories the same way text threads and chat regularly include pictures, GIFs and videos. This is next level storytelling and will shift the paradigm of narrative. So excited!
@noah_l thank you! We're pretty stoked about the visuals as well :) Most of all, it's exciting to put this tool into the hands of others. Can't wait to see the creativity it unleashes!
I don't really get your app icon. Maybe change to something more relevant. And your costing is very confusing...
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Interesting concept of story telling. When do you plan to publish Android app? Have you thought of the concept of interactive story telling using AI chat bots. ! The user can drive the story in different ways based on his/her response to the situation!
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Product Hunt
Hooked 2.0
Product Hunt
Carpool VC - S2E3, Prerna Gupta, Founder/CEO of Hooked
Hooked 2.0
Carpool VC - S2E3, Prerna Gupta, Founder/CEO of Hooked
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Shred Video for iOS
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Hooked 2.0
Shisharka Land
Hooked 2.0