@bentossell It takes time to get all of the components right to make the technology very accurate, fast, scalable and easy to use. You need to have all of the components: speech recognition, natural language understanding, and domains. As we were refining the product and receiving feedback, the main thing we heard was that it needed to be very simple to integrate. So we created very easy to use SDKs tailored to various platforms.
@bentossell From a web front-end point-of-view, one of the things we are constantly iterating on with is how to make the UI/UX simple to understand for a lot of novel concepts which haven't been done before. For example with Houndify, you have a concept of "Domains" and "Credits", and understanding them is crucial to using the API. This is an on-going challenge for us.
Thanks for the Hunt @bramk!
Houndify is a platform that gives developers the tools to add a voice-enabled conversational interface to apps, services, and devices. It's the only platform that performs speech recognition and natural language understanding together in real time, similar to how the human brain works.
We built Houndify because we believe that voice interaction will eventually become the preferred means of communication with devices. We aim to make this a platform agnostic, one-stop destination for all of the necessary technology components for voice search and control.
We first unveiled the Houndify platform in private beta back in June, and we’re excited to announce that it’s now open to anyone to use. The Houndify API is meant to be easy to learn and easy to use for all developers. Sign up and you can instantly create a product and test Houndify using our web platform.
We’ll be answering questions today, and you can always contact us via houndify.com. We look forward to hearing feedback from the Product Hunt community on any part of the experience. With your help, we can continue to make Houndify even easier to use and even more useful.
Thank you!
Very useful API @abgeorgiana and @tilomitra. Can't wait to play around with it. What are some cool apps/products that have incorporated Houndify already?
Hi @nemrow This is Keyvan. I am the CEO of SoundHound Inc that launched Houndify today. Here is is one example of a product, called Hound, that is fully powered by Houndify:
More will be announced soon. Let us know if you create something. We would love to see it.
Oh wow, you guys released an API for this!
Do you have any update on when the Hound iOS app will be released? I was at a conference a couple of months back where this was demoed, and I was speechless at both the length of query you could give, but also how quickly an accurate result was returned via the app.
@adamowenit Thank you for the kind words. We have a version of the Hound iOS app in Alpha currently, and we are working toward a public release in the near future. Stay tuned!
Hey guys, I'm one of the software engineers responsible for building out the Houndify.com web application. Feel free to ask any questions, and please go ahead and try it! We have made it really easy to register clients (it's free!) and submit voice or text queries via the Try API page.
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