
HSK Tracker - Get prepared for the HSK by tracking your progress


HSK Tracker is a practical tool for those who want to improve their level of Chinese and get prepared for the HSK. It provides a tracking solution from HSK Level 1 to Level 6, giving you a clear overview of the characters and words you have learnt so far.

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Hello Product Hunters! I'm launching my first web application. HSK Tracker is a solution for Chinese learners who want to prepare for the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi). In short, HSK Tracker allows learners to monitor and track their progress. There are three main features : - The Tracker Board, to get a quick overview of the user's progress - The Vocabulary List, to access the complete vocabulary list from HSK Level 1 to Level 6 - The Writing List, to create a customized writing list for handwriting practice. Register for free to try the solution.