Inam Haq

HUB - Your private social network


HUB is a private network where you can create your own domain to connect and interact with your family, friends & colleagues.
🔒 Broadcast updates and share media
🔒 Seek and share opinions

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Evan Moore
Great looking product! Private social networks seem to be on the rise and somebody is going to break through. What's the pricing / monetization strategy here? Subscription?
Inam Haq
Hi @evomoore. Great question. We’re looking at a couple of ways to monetize but haven’t finalized anything just yet. There are a couple of ways to look at pricing from our perspective: 1. Direct monetization: - You either pay a fee per domain for large group of users. - Or pay per user for a domain with smaller number of users. 2. Shared monetization: - For certain types of domains where you can get some value from the owner of that domain through premium content for example a management guru/celebrity/yoga teacher has a unique domain to share his/her knowledge with the followers, they can charge a fee to allow access to that domain/content. So users pay to join/access and we share the revenue with them. Users get value through access as well as content. As mentioned above we are looking at these ideas among others to monetize and preserve the promise of ad/spam free environment. Would love to hear other ideas!
Really interested to hear your pricing strategy. I think it would work best if one person paid and that granted access to their whole family. For example I’d happily pay for this to allow my extended family to use it. If you need to pay per person I can’t see it working.
Inam Haq
@mickc79 pricing models are tricky here especially if you are taking a generic approach (per user or per domain). We are looking at multiple ways as mentioned above. Would love to hear about more ways to monetize.
Inam Haq
@mickc79 That will most likely be an option.
Younghwi Cho
It's so unique concept! I didn't download it yet, but may try soon. So is it a specific domain based access, not via the permission based access? Basically, anyone who knows the unique domain can access the private network?
Inam Haq
Hi @andrew_cho. Great question. So every domain is unique and you can sign up to a certain domain but won’t be able to actually sign in unless you are activated by the domain admin. We also built in something called segments wherein you can group users within a domain and you can only see/share content within that segment. Privacy and private interactions are at the heart of HUB. We don’t believe that being able to know the domain name you should be able to access it, then it wouldn’t really be private. Hope that answers your question.
Younghwi Cho
@haqinam Thanks much for your detailed answer. That helps a lot for me to understand. Sounds great :D
Inam Haq
Hi everyone, HUB is built with privacy at the heart and therefore based on unique domain that you create. Invite friends, family and colleagues. You may ask who is HUB for? Anyone who cares about privacy and wants to interact privately. HUB is: - Ad free: Interact without noise and distractions. - Spam free: Connect and share with people you know and care about. - Troll free: Broadcast safely without abuse and or bullying. Some of the key features are: - Unique domain for your network - Broadcast updates and share media - Seek and share opinions via polls - Privacy at every level - Dynamic access control HUB is now available to download on App Store.
Max S.
How are you handling the CDN for media that gets posted to the app? Is there anything 'private' about the content hosting that makes this special?
Inam Haq
@m_stole Great question. As HUB is domain based each domain is secured on server side separately so in case of any malicious attack we are not putting the whole set of domains at risk. Besides each domain has a secure key to access any data. Then at domain level we have security rules in place particularly for media which gets stored on the cloud. Media is stored separately with secure encrypted domain key. Also we are end to end closed so no API access to external parties (at least not yet). Having said that there is still a lot more we can do which is something we are dedicating 30% resources as we move forward. Hope that answers the question.
Inam Haq
Would you like early access to HUB ?
Yevhenii Peteliev
Nicee! Application looks awesome, nice work. I can't wait when I try it :) Congratulations!
Ahmet Kara
hey bro ı cant understand when we pre order an ap wıll you setup a app and web site for us ?
Inam Haq
Hi @ahmetkara. When your pre-ordered app (HUB) becomes available (May 1 in this case), you receive an email. If you turned on automatic downloads, the item automatically downloads to the device that you used to pre-order it. If you don't see a pre-ordered item on your device after it's released, find the item in your purchases and download it. You can also find it in the App Store and tap or click Get.
Amokrane Tamine
I am trying it now. Looks good. Just one thing that bothered me. During the multi-step signup process, I was forced to click the "next" button on top of the screen while most apps allow you to do it with the return key on your keyboard. No big deal but details make perfection.
Inam Haq
@amokrane_tamine Thanks. Will enable return key in the next update.
Austin Green
Awesome product! I would interested to hear how user growth has been and what tools you have used to grow it.
Fabio  Araujo
Can we, as Users or admin of the Hub, make a content indexable or no to Google spiders?
Inam Haq
@faraujoj At the moment we are end to end closed therefore no.