Tobias Meixner

Hubql CLI - Create data schema visualizations from your terminal

Select your local JSON, XML, Proto, GraphQL, or Prisma files and generate meaningful diagrams. Download images and documentation directly to your local folder and use the Hubql platform to collaborate with team members and external partners.

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Tobias Meixner
Hi, fellow engineers. We are proud to present our command line interface for Hubql - "Hubql CLI" to you! "Hubql CLI" is for engineers who do not want to leave their terminals to generate documentation for data schemas during local development. It gives you a list of supported file types to generate documentation, such as JSON files to graphs, Prisma to ER diagrams, or GraphQL visualization. Hubql CLI is our first step providing better developer tooling around data modeling and API schema development for both local development and collaboration for feedback within your team or external stakeholders. We appreciate any suggestions, comments or enhancements ideas you have for our CLI as well as our platform to help you build software better together.
Tobias Meixner
@ena_gluhakovic there are probably 2 reasons the Hubql CLI is different to others 1. we support multiple file types meaning you can not only generate ER diagram for Prisma files but also generate graphs for JSON payloads or API schemas so really a general purpose visualization tool 2. we encourage and promote collaboration... documentation alone is useless without anyone giving feedback or using it for improvement of your implementation so we want engineers to use Hubql to get feedback from their peers, external parties or even anyone if you build in public
Daniel Öhrlund
Very nice, I tried it with an old project of mine and it works really well! One feature suggestion would be to either not upload schemas unless you are logged in or add a way for anonymous users to delete their workspace, a bit unfortunate if your first experience with the product is that you use the cli and run init all of a sudden you have uploaded your private db schema somewhere where you can't delete it :)
Tobias Meixner
@datadanne Glad you like it and working well for you. Sorry to hear about the miscommunication for guest users and the misleading init command. You have a point and we will be improving the command feedback and introduce new commands for publishing and slim down the init command to avoid such a situation. We would recommend to run hubql login before running the init command as guest user.
Tobias Meixner
@datadanne Thanks again for the feedback. We have implemented your feedback to v0.0.12. Init command is now simply a setup command. We added a new command called push. Also added a few more feedback to the CLI and confirmation to publish for guest users. Latest version is 0.0.12 More on the commands here: Thank you!
Giancarlo Buomprisco
Congrats on the launch!
Tobias Meixner
@gianc Thank you Giancarlo - this means a lot coming from The Maker!
Poom Wettayakorn
Congrats on the launch! 🎉 This makes it convenient to visualize the data structure from code.
Prateek Kapoor
Congratulations on the launchI! Being able to generate documentation for data schemas without leaving the command line streamlines the development process and makes it easier to visualize and communicate complex data structures. I'm particularly excited about the range of supported file types and the ability to generate various types of visualizations. Great work!
Henry Kobutra
Hey @tobias_meixner , Big CONGRATS on the launch!