I need this in my life! The Smart Remote team blew past their $50k goal on Kickstarter (now at $512,545). One remote that controls everything in the home would be wonderful...
First world problems... but always frustrating when I need to take out my phone, go to an app, press the button just to turn on the light in my room 🙈
@averyhaskell Hi Avery, we all love our Smartphones and they can do everything (almost), and this is often a feedback we get, but we are convinced Smartphones are not the only solution for everything in our life. If you look at the TV market, all TVs that have been sold in the past 10 years are Smart TV, and all major brands offer a dedicated App to let you control your TV, despite that I don't know anyone that is using his Smartphone to control his TV. Of course it is possible but majority of people don't find it convenient enough, they are still using the old style remote which is always on the coffee table, always charged, always ready to be used by anyone in the home. The more devices you have in your home and the more confusing it becomes, you need one App for each, you need all household Smartphones to have all same Apps, all logged in, all maintained, and what about when you have children etc... Anyway, we still love our Smartphones. Smart Remote comes with an App that let's you configure Smart Remote and add all your devices and services.
@saijo_george Hi Saijo, voice control is cool, I am personally convinced it will be part of our life at home but right now it has limitations (limited AI even with Google, noise sensitive, keyword dependent, language/accents, latency...). There is a lot of excitement around voice but a lot of people find voice not convenient for simple day to day tasks. We are convinced that interacting with your home will be a mix of voice, smartphone and other very intuitive and simple Ux like Smart Remote. We still love voice control so stay tuned :-)
@nivo0o0 if this is anything like my apple tv remote ill spend more time looking for it then I will using it. Adding another device to my list only =more time searching.
Hi Hunters!
Thanks Niv for the introduction! We love our Smartphone but like you we thought that there had to be a better way to experience our home.
Simon here, co-founder and CEO at Sevenhugs. We’re excited to share Smart Remote with you, get your feedback and answer questions.
Smart Remote is a revolutionary product that lets you instantly control any device—TVs, media players, speakers, lights, thermostats and more. Just point at what you want to control and Smart Remote’s screen automatically adapts—like magic.
After more than two years of hard working, we launched Smart Remote on Kickstarter last Thursday and our community is taking off—over 3,500 backers and counting! We’ve received great questions, suggestions and feedback so far and we can’t wait to hear what you have to say. So, how do you want to use Smart Remote?
- Simon
@simontchedikian congrats on the Kickstarter success and good luck with the product. But why would anyone want another device when they can use their phone OR (with most devices these days) their voice to control them.
@saijo_george Hi Saijo, great comment, we get it often. Ecosystem fragmentation and App overload is one main reason. Every single device comes with its own mobile app or remote. Cumbersome and frustrating to switch between them. With your phone, you have to unlock the phone, find the app, launch it, wait for it to load, select the device you want to control and control it... it gets worse if your wife or kids need to go through the same experience. Voice is cool and we love it, but still many limitations (limited AI even with Google, noise sensitive, keyword dependent, language/accents, latency...). Smart Remote is shareable in the home, instant, intuitive and simple enough to be used by anyone, it displays the right interface just by pointing at the device you want to control. No need to search for the right App and log in, or guess the right keyword for voice. Voice is still very cool and complementary to Smart Remote in the home.
Mmmm... not sure with this gadget.... what happens when the receiver devices are all close? like in a standard home (tv, stb, xbox...) I think is a WOW effect product... but not really usable... Another one technology driven innovation... 😕
@miscalzoncillos Hi David, great question, I see you are UX designer, Smart Remote is all about Ux and an intuitive way to interact with all the connected devices in our home. Fully agree, and it is the same for everyone, all our A/V equipments are very often at the same location around the TV. For devices that are near each other (less than 20in or 50cm), Smart Remote automatically shows a selection carousel letting you select the device you want to control. This applies to your TV and Xbox for example, but also if you have a smart light just next to a Sonos speaker, etc... Today, if you want to control your smart light with a Smartphone, you have to unlock the phone, find the app, launch it, wait for it to load, select the light you want to control and control it... Nobody wants to spend 6 steps and 10s to turn on a light. And it gets worse when you have to browse from App to App or remotes as any single device comes with its own mobile App or remote control... With Smart Remote just point and control.
@simontchedikian Thanks for response! I'm still skeptical of that ;) I'm working on TV Services for years... and I was see many problems with remote controls without physical buttons... ;)
It looks sleek. How do you make it possible for the lights? Is it with a HUE Philips type of device, or is it controlled with electrical outlets? Oh, is that a Freebox I see in the video? Interesting!
@carrdenn Thanks! We are also very excited about IoT potential in the connected home market, and new ways to experience and interact with our connected homes!
@annebot Hi! That's a great idea, Smart Remote can control any smart device through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and also non-connected devices through Infrared. We support more than 25,000 devices and adding new everyday. We will add Roomba to the wish list. We also have an open API and SDK allowing developers around the world to add new devices or services, create new use cases, gestures, screens and menus....
@diligiant Hi Frederic, thanks for the great feedback, I guess you are referring to Infrared controlled equipment located in a cabinet for example? Smart Remote itself does not come with an extender, probably an interesting accessory we can add in the future. In the mean time, you have 2 options, there are a lot of great and cheap IR extenders on Amazon that you can use with Smart Remote, and we also plan to support Logitech Harmony hub, which is slightly more expensive but offers IR extenders capability and activity based control. Hope this helps.
@simontchedikian Simon, I'm glad you didn't overlook this case because the more equipment you have, the more you're willing to hide it (your spouse may have a large share of the decision ;) You might want to add this to your Kickstarter FAQ.
@malihsoufian Hi Soufian, great question, Smart Remote automatically shows a selection carousel letting you select the device you want to control, for any devices that are near each other (less than 20in or 50cm). You can check the GIF few questions above to see what the carousel looks like.
Awesome to see that you were hunted! I backed your product a couple weeks ago and at least got early bird. Those super early birds got such a lucky price! I'm just hoping for Chromecast support and even my Blu-ray player. Then I'm fully sold/excited! 😁
@megaroeny Hi Reony, thanks for your support!! Actually, super early bird price went so fast (10mn...) that we increased all quantities of early bird batches to try to catch up with the wave. We got a lot of requests for Chromecast, so it is moving up in our priorities.
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