@nico_lrx Thanks for hunting us Nicolas π With Hunter, we get to crawl millions of pages per day. We thought it would be great to share for free some of the data we come across.
With TechLookup you can generate lists based on technologies and download for free thousands of results. Over the next few weeks, we'll add new filters and other features.
Any feedback is highly welcomed π
Nice work Hunter team! Engineering marketing at it's finest π
How is the marketing automation tech identified? Guessing form action attributes (Mailchimp) then scripts for the rest?
@josh_reyes Thanks Josh! And you're right, it's a perfect case of Engineering marketing π
Regarding the detection, we use both regular expressions on the HTML and look for initialized variables once the page has loaded. We packaged the detection into a container that is 100% open source. Check it out here: https://github.com/hunter-io/doc...
@martinmeany Hey Martin! We're using regular expressions to find the technologies used. The results should be pretty reliable but if you find some errors, I would love to hear about them: antoine@hunter.io
Good stuff @antoinefink & team, thank you for another fantastic tool! However, I wonder what happened in the past couple of months, that made you change your mind and release it free instead of premium (from blog.hunter.io: "The generation of lists will be one of our rare premium features"). Would you be able to shed some light on that? I'm curious what's the story behind.
@blukasz Hey Lukasz! That's a great question, and we'll most likely add a post on our blog to explain exactly why we did the change.
The short version is that users of Hunter didn't often need this data. At the same time, it would have been handy for lots of people that didn't need Hunter. So we decided to split the two and provide TechLookup as a free service π
Great job team Hunter!
Now if you could map the selected technology with employees taxons (e.g. marketers/sales/developers/ops), then infer the best email contact through your (already existing) domain search, it'd allow me to build a qualified list of email leads from their properties CMS, programming languages or Cloud providers.
Yes, I'm drinking very strong coffee right now.
Truly kick-ass stuff @antoinefink and Hunter team! Logical combo with your main product and very relevant for your target group!
Some comments/questions:
1. strange wording in "Select the technologies you want to the websites to have."
2. any chance of allowing the using to either suggest you to add other technologies (Calendly for example) or search by a piece of script that other technologies use (some other products allow you to do this)
@rutgerteunissen Thanks for the feedback Rutger! Regarding the technologies, you can send me those you wish to see at antoine@hunter.io, and I'll share them with the team. Over the next few weeks, we'll add the most popular ones to the service.
I'm sure you plan on crawling/adding more sites. I am curious if you are going to allow a full export, for a fee of course. I would definitely be interested in paying for it.
@tyreljohnson For very very large exports, we'll most likely end up adding a pricing in the near future. It will still be very affordable because that's the goal of TechLookup π
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