Ground control for your job hunt
Jonathan Ruiz
Huntr β€” A Kanban board for your job applications

Ground control for your job search. Huntr keeps track of every detail about your job opportunities - notes, dates, tasks, job descriptions, salaries, locations, company data and more.

Matthew Quinn
This is amazing!
tom meagher
If you want to find a career/job you love, it's important to be organized! (Finding a job is basically a job itself.) Usually people hack something with Trello, Google Sheets, etc. but you spend a lot of time formatting and adding contextual information. Huntr has the kanban-style layout of Trello (which is a great metaphor for the job hunt) AND automatically brings in relevant information for you (think company facts/info). The design is top-notch too. What's the long term game for Huntr? P.S. Check out the map view. It's my favorite.
Rennie Haylock
@tomfme Thanks for your comment! The main focus will always be to help users find a job. There's a lot of stages and actions we go through when looking for jobs. This version of Huntr is great at the organization stage, but there's so much more including discovery, communication, preparation, visibility on the state of a submitted application, etc. I feel the more of those we can cover, the stronger the product becomes.
Julio Montas
My reaction πŸ˜‘ First, oh another Trello clone. πŸ€— Second, Yeahhhh pretty UI. πŸ€” Third, ok I can use Trello or only do 1 task at Huntr (less ADD to jump on another board). ❀️ Last, clicking "Signup For Free". Thanks, @rennie_haylock and @jruizdesign.
Gustav Larsson
Great work on the design, very clean and colorful!
David Mermelstein
Nicely done. Good approach to several tools I have seen in the past since the late 90's. I use in gmail. It has a tool for jobseekers, but I customized it. I was invited one the other day that used AI. I also use a chrome ext that I can to email me me a position I see. Good luck.
Ashlee Cloud ☁
@dmerms What is the one that is using AI?
Andrew Paterson
I don't understand all the discussion; if you're looking for a job, just do your homework and keep track of everything on @TryHuntr (there's is no better way)
Josh Lowy
@rennie_haylock @jruizdesign great idea, plugin is a great addition and overall a really simple approach to solving a common pain-point. Have you guys considered how you're going to manage changes in data? Eg if a job listing is taken down or the details change, is there a way to notify the user, or better, automatically update the board?
Cesar Zeppini
Jp Valery
Looks super useful!
Steven H
If someone's this organized when it comes to looking for a job I would hire them just based off of that.
Ulises Rojas
Nice! I've been working on a user experience journey map about job hunting, within that context, this seems like a useful tool. I'll be trying it in the next days
Shobhit Puri
@rennie_haylock Looks great! I want to try it but I keep getting the `ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID`. Somhow I was able to signup but removing the https. Is there an issue with the SSL cert that you guys are using? I am facing the same issue when using your chrome extension.
Rennie Haylock
@shobhit_puri Haven't received other reports of this one. Can you try resetting your browser cache? You can DM me on twitter to debug :)
Shobhit Puri
@rennie_haylock Thanks. I tried with Chrome, Firefox and Safari. All are showing the same issue. I cleared the cache of Safari browser but it still gave the same when trying to go to
Ashlee Cloud ☁
Whoa...The Chrome Extension... Game. Friggin. Changer.
Francis Kim
πŸ‘Œ Awesome! Added to:
Tolu Olubode
Interesting, I'd used Trello for my last job hunt as a college student. The ability to pre-populate really catches my eye. It'd be nice to able to import my Trello board into this. Will recommend to my colleagues, we could use some organisation :)
Benjamin Gonin
I love this, it's perfect
Interesting, but why not just use trello and create a job applications board there? Maybe I missed something here that makes Huntr better?
Rennie Haylock
@joelischka Thanks for your question. For now the key differences are the job focused modelling of the card, the ability to pre populate company data, and our Chrome extension, where you can add a ton of job related information when creating a new entry, as opposed to just a card title and description. The focus for the next few months is to make this job specific feature list even bigger.
Edin Vejzovic
@joelischka You can write it on paper too, scrible it on a wall, write it with chalkboard, all of those are options dude. It's about focus.
@rennie_haylock it would be nice if you could have a section/feature for storing Resumes in HTML or PDF and/or job hunt card related attachments
@edinvejzovic You're right of course, but Huntr looks and feels a lot like Trello. :)
Barton Smith
@joelischka @edinvejzovic True, but if I was looking for a job right now, I would use this over Trello. In the same way I'd buy one specific pair of headphones over another :)
Drew Shah
I like this
Rennie Haylock
@drewshah1234 Thanks for the support Drew!

User Huntr for the first time today and I love how the job applications can be categorised in applied, interview etc. An added bonus is that the company name added automatically generates additional information including a logo of the company. This is a keeper and would gladly recommend this to other job seekers.


Great visualisation of your job applications


No cons so far

Robert Simoes
Amazing! Beautiful too! Out of curiosity what is the tech stack behind it?
Rennie Haylock
@robertsimoes Thanks! The stack is React/Redux in the front end, Node/Express/Mongo in the backend