Tiffany Stone

Hush - The world's first smart earplug


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Daniel Kao
@danielewoklee is here to answer any questions or comments!
This is a much needed device! Love that it's coming out!
Nick Zieber
"Yes, our team has three Daniels." Good luck, Daniels! This seems like a great idea. Impressive.
Nick Zieber
@diplateevo Do you plan to manufacture this in Shenzhen / Pearl River Delta?
Roland Ligtenberg
Already pre-ordered a pair. This comes in handy in an open-configuration work space for sure!
Steven Lam
Great concept but not practical. The device has no real noise cancellation technology. It works by playing sound (white noise or ocean) loud enough to mask the outside environment background noise. I don't like the idea of adding more noise to block out the already noisy ambient sound. What I want is noise cancellation technology to help isolate the ambient noise so I can be in a quite space with low white noise to help me fall asleep or just relax and tune out. Unfortunately, this device does not do that. Also app was a bit buggy. Once my iPhone goes to sleep mode, the Hush app seems to get stuck so I can't make any adjustments like change of volume, sound mode (white noise to ocean, etc) . Waited patiently with 2 app updates and app issue has not been resolved. Please keep in mind this happened back in 2015. I hope the issue has been resolved because it's a good idea.