Stéphane Bernard

Hutcamp - Tiny house paradise. Buy, rent, find professionals


Hutcamp is the startup that promotes tiny houses, huts and unusual lodgings all over the world. Buy from individual to individual, rent, find professionals. Let's build a green world ! Hutcamp is FREE for use during 3 months !

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Congratulations as the idea is awesome. Please keep in mind that for visitors if they don't find any listing during their first couple of visits they may never come back to your site


The idea is fantastic


Can't see more than one listing as of right now, and that one is in the US. Launching it globally is a risky move

Stéphane Bernard
Hi, thanks for the advice, great to got fresh reviews. yep we need more listing to attract, i will do my best this month, stay in touch
Conway Anderson
@stephanebernard Design tip: the current brand color is very bright. When it's used in the buttons with white text, the contrast is extremely low. I think the usability of the site (and later, the conversions) will be improved if you change the colors used in the buttons to increase the contrast.
Drew Meyers
I'm a huge proponent of tiny homes, and the broader trusted curation trend this signals across both the real estate and travel verticals.
Stéphane Bernard
HUTCAMP IS FREE DURING 3 MONTHS ! Join us at #shareyourfeedbacks
Ryan Hoover
This sounds super fun, although the inventory is a bit light. cc @suzywillow
Martha Mackmiller
I'm really intrigued by this concept- though I'm fairly certain that the 1st picture is from hobbiton in NZ---- seems to be a little deceiving IMO.