Oliver Reichenstein

iA Presenter - Fast, focused, beautiful presentations

iA Presenter’s text-based interface puts the story at the center of your presentation. The design engine adjusts the layout of your slides to your screen. There is a teleprompter for presenting. A fresh, fast and fun way to create and hold presentations.

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Oliver Reichenstein
Launch day is here! iA Presenter, a text-based presentation app that puts your story at the center, is now available for download. Since our beta phase on Product Hunt seven months ago, iA Presenter has implemented feedback from over 30,000 beta testers. Your input has shaped the app's design, development, and even pricing - reinventing the way presentations are created, designed, and shared. Thank you for being part of the iA Presenter community!
Andrey 🇺🇦
Present at the speed of thought and quality of a written word. Not sound bites, but full fledged ideas presented beautifully.
Oliver Reichenstein
@andreyz couldn't have said it better!
Frederick Gautier
10 years after I first downloaded Writer and now seeing this new product makes me happy for your team! (and admittedly now I’m feeling a bit old 🥲) I enjoyed being a part of the Beta testing. Throughly enjoy everything about the app. Well thought out, not overly designed, simple, clean, elegant, easy to use, yet powerful enough to create some fantastic presentations. It’s a joy to use! Congrats on the launch! Cheers.
Oliver Reichenstein
@frederick_gautier Thank you so much for your kind words! Your feedback and that of others like you has been instrumental in shaping our product. It's the insights and suggestions from users like you that have guided our design decisions, helping us to refine our platform into what it is today. We truly appreciate your continued support. Here's to many more years of creating fantastic presentations together! Cheers.
oz lubling
This app is one of my favorite products of the past 5 years. I was an early beta tester and created multiple presentations with it. The product experience is superb. No other presentation app comes close to allowing you to make quality presentations quickly with a strong narrative. The highest compliment I can give Presenter is that it makes me want to make more presentations.
Oliver Reichenstein
@ozlubling Thank you Oz, this is indeed one of the highest compliments one can think of for a presentation app. Cheers!
Zach Hamed
iA Presenter is absolutely amazing - beautiful themes, easy speaker notes, and works as fast as typing Markdown. Congrats on the launch team 👏🏽
Oliver Reichenstein
@zmh Thank you, Zach.
Roy Watson
I found myself with a weekend to turn a blog post into a 30-minute presentation. Presenter tricked me into writing a good talk instead of letting me fiddle with slides for hours. The talk went great and, as a bonus, offering the audience text and PDF versions of the talk + slides was easy peasy.
Oliver Reichenstein
@blakewatson "tricked you into writing a talk instead of letting me fiddle" 🤣 Solid gold.
Andrew S
Congratulations on the launch! After using iA Presenter in beta these past few months, I can't imagine going back to another presentation app. Nothing else looks as clean or elegant, nor do they make it as easy to compose and deliver a presentation.
Oliver Reichenstein
@andrew_s3 So good to hear that iA Presenter has become your go-to for presentations. Our team has worked tirelessly to create a tool that is not just visually pleasing but also intuitive and effective in its functionality. It's feedback like yours that reassures us we're on the right track. Thank you for being part of our journey, and we're excited for the many great presentations to come!
Ian Sampaio
iA Presenter is absolutely amazing, congrats to the team on the product & launch! I got access to it a couple of months back and happily and confidently used it for real world projects. Now if it doesn't get in the top #3 something is def wrong with PH (I'm looking at you buying/selling upvotes 🤬)
Oliver Reichenstein
@ianvanpaio Some technical difficulties with YT parsing and account connections caused a bit of a delay today. Thankfully, with the help of the PH team, we've managed to fix the issue and are now on track. We're grateful for the continued support and enthusiasm from users like you. We're moving up in the top 10 now.
Eric Bowers
iA Presenter is so easy to use. It's text-first, not "PowerPoint-design"-first. That makes it a great tool for writers/presenters, who don't necessarily want to fiddle with design and settings. I love it.
Oliver Reichenstein
@eric_bowers Thank you for your support, Eric. Indeed, a lot of what we learned over the years with iA Writer made it into iA Presenter. We followed the same basic pattern of "What would a presentation app look like if it were designed to create and hold presentations?" :-)
Leonid Serebryanyy
I am using iA Presenter when I need to quickly make a presentation to colleagues and I don't have time to make it look beautiful. iA Presenter helps me to get a presentation in minutes, and focus on the structure and the idea. I think it is also a great tool to fight procrastination: you can't kill time by playing with fonts, you get to work with content right away.
Oliver Reichenstein
@serebryanyy_l This is yet another perfect description of how we hoped it would work. Thank you for your kind words.
Heleana Grace
Congrats on the launch! 🚀 I didn't get to test the app during the beta phase but I can already tell this really helps with time management. I like that it allows you to organize presentations faster so you have more time to focus on the content. I look forward to using it!
Oliver Reichenstein
@heleana Hi Helena, we first focused on designing it so it is fit for its purpose. One can expect that a tool that is fit for its purpose is faster than one that does everything half way and nothing well. But we didn't expect just how fast presentations can be made with our tool. I'm stunned myself every time I use it.
Ray Fix
Handles code presentation with syntax highlighting too? Yes, it does. In my 10 minutes of using the product I am totally sold. Instabuy. Highly recommended. [So many things that were obviously done right here it is impressive. A former me might have tried to create this software myself. Instead of spending the 1000s of hours to developing it, I can just purchase a license and get to work on my presentations. :D ]
Oliver Reichenstein
@rayfix There were a lot of user requests for code highlighting. Glad we made it before launch. We got the basic idea for the app, but the fine tuning happened in an evenly intense as careful exchange with our buzzing beta community. Glad to have you on board!
Ben Norris
Best presentation app I've ever used. People will comment, "I thought you didn't have time to put together a presentation, but you came prepared with slides and everything!" It makes beautiful presentations easy and focuses on all the right things, just like iA Writer. Essential tool.
Oliver Reichenstein
@bennorris Oh, it *is* surprisingly fast, isn't it. Thank you for you kind note!
Hi Oliver. Great product launch! This looks like a fresh approach for making presentations. What is the difference between the subscription and the one off besides the multiple platform? And another thing I am having problem in the payment gateway. On your website the price is in MYR but during checkout its in USD. Thats quite a big price difference for me.
Oliver Reichenstein
@gon We offer the choice between subscription and purchase, mostly because we learned with iA Writer for Android that mostly companies prefer subscriptions. Apple is also highly tilted towards subscriptions so with an iOS app we need to offer both otherwise they ignore you. Subscriptions are, as you said, multi platform, they are cheaper than a yearly subscription, they allow monthly usage, and they allow us to give discounts to students. (You're not a student forever, at least not academically, so student discounts go hand in hand with time limits). Personally, I don't like subscriptions for native productivity apps without server component, but part of the market wants them, and eventually there will be presentation sharing, which due to the massive amounts of data that presentations can have will have to be tied to a form of subscription. We want presentation sharing soon, but it's not the easiest feature if you want to get it right.
@reichenstein Iam planning to pay for one off. But currency display at the checkout is different from what is displayed on the website.
Jf Martin
iA Presenter marks a meaningful new bleep on the presentation software space. It's a clever take on a field that we thought was all done and nothing new could be added to it. Focusing on the story instead of the presentation is a fundamental objective for making great presentations. iA Presenter delivers here. More comments about the app here: https://numericcitizen.me/ia-pre...
Oliver Reichenstein
@jf_martin Thanks for the kind words JF, and thank you as well for the great writeup.
Anna Starodub
Like you style, congrats on the launch!
Oliver Reichenstein
@anna_starodub1 Takes taste to see style. :-) Thank you, Anna!
Max M.
It's so interesting, I just left a 1-star review with very accurate and polite explanation of my opinion, and it simply vanished from the web site after a few minutes 🤔 Apparently, the platform only accepts positive reviews 🤷🏻‍♂️ Probably this is the reason people can only “upvote” but not the opposite.
Ahmad Ali
Great idea! Congrats on the launch
Oliver Reichenstein
@motiondock Thank you, too, Ahmad!
Shital Gohil
Congratulations on the launch of such an exceptional tool! I've always found creating presentations to be quite a task. It typically involves starting with the needs for each slide, followed by a time-consuming search for the right images and graphics. This often translates into hours spent on designing the presentation. This tool is a game-changer. All I have to do is jot down my needs, and voila! My presentation is ready almost instantly. This is nothing short of amazing. I look forward to seeing the positive impact this tool will have on our work. Once again, congratulations on this fantastic launch!
Oliver Reichenstein
@shitalgohil Thank you, Shital! You eloquently describe what most people experience using iA Presenter: It's fast, and relaxed, and FAST. One hast to experience it to believe it. 😌