
iA Writer 4 - Embed images, tables and text as blocks of content in text


“A clean, simple writing environment…delightful.” – New York Times

iA Writer 4 is a writing tool for the brave, available on the desktop and mobile.

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Brett Terpstra
I hope it's not self-serving to point out that Marked has offered the "include external files in Markdown documents" for a loooong time. And it works with any text editor…
Radoslav Stankov
I was beta testing the iA Writer 4 for the last month. The content blocks totally changed, the way I write markdown documents.
Lachlan Campbell
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Daniel Marcinkowski
iA Writer was the first app I bought right after I bought my first ever MacBook. Absolutely love it.
Ryan J A Murphy
Embedding CSV files is a clever trick! Congrats on the launch.
Anthony Baker
@ryanjamurphy Absolutely love that feature too. Markdown-based tables can get really complex and hard for folks to read/manipulate. I had been using for this, but no longer. The CSV solution is amazeballs.
Daniel Holliday
Wow, iA's come a long way. Nested text files is a real game changer. Curious: how's the publishing support? The main thing that keeps me tied to Ulysses is the one-click-to-publish to Medium. Couldn't see anything about this on the iA site...
Tomáš Baránek
This is a beautiful idea. :) So the last thing I need in iAW now is some collapsible navigation structure/UI for # headings. Or am I missing something?
Luuk Lamers
Let's hope it doesn't end up the way the original iA Writer for iOS did. After having bought that they just made another version (due to quarrelling devs) and made me pay for it again.
Tom Frauenfelder
@reichenstein will iAW be available on windows or web in the near future?
Jonas Petermann
Use the iA Writer for over 3 years now exclusively for all my writing -- inclusive scientific papers with more than 40 pages. The new option to embed pictures is more than welcome.
I've tried quite a few tools, keep coming back to iA. Everything I design begins as an outline in this app, with each update it seems to stay in there longer.
Zach Sekar
iA writer makes plain text so powerful. I can't imagine going back to another wp for writing and note-taking. Multi platform support is better than the big guys, too. Nested files and Medium/Wordpress integration makes it better than ever for blogging.
Anthony Baker
Absolutely love this update. So well done. Here's hoping the Markdown additions you folks have made with content blocks is picked up by others. A fantastic solution to a long-standing problem — especially when it comes to Markdown tables. One request: Would be great to be able to reference hosted files via full http addresses. Otherwise, my new go-to. And that comes from someone who's used almost every Markdown editor for the Mac that's ever been.
Wasin Thonkaew
One question: Can I include diagram i.e. via mermaid syntax?
Karthik Subramanian

I deep dive into writing rituals using this software. Tough to explain beyond it. But they have gotten their UI perfect for a writing mode.


Easily one of the best distraction-free software out there. I prefer this to the cluttered document editors.


The keyboard shortcuts are a bit tough to get used to.

Bobby Schultz
IA Writer is so polished. It's basically @superhumanco for organizing and remembering your thoughts.