Eric Willis

ICO Watchdog - Real-time cryptocurrency alerts for Slack and Messenger

ICO Watchdog is a chat bot to keep cryptocurrency investors/traders updated in real-time right inside their favorite messaging applications. Currently available on Slack and Messenger.

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Shaun Newsum
Hi Product Hunters, ICO Watchdog started out as a small side project so I would not have to manually spend time tracking cryptocurrencies and ICOs – while at work. As a heavy Slack user – I figured it would be super convenient to have this managed within Slack using dedicated public channels so other team members can keep updated as well. Now you can configure the alerts for an entire team to follow the up/down movements of a coin. Note: All the movements are relative to the BTC price. Give the product a try – we're adding in newer features such as signal alerts and exclusive presale ICOs for our community. sidenote: Big kudos to the BotKit SDK team. The Slack bot made it super easy to build out Messenger bot using their SDK.
Eric Willis
Introducing ICO Watchdog – 100% Free Real-time Cryptocurrency Alerts for your favorite messaging apps. ICO Watchdog can be programmed to follow any cryptocurrency and notify users when there is significant movement in price or volume. Users can define what significant means and ICO Watchdog will keep watch for you like man’s best friend should. You can also choose to receive trading and ICOs alerts – and we will notify you the exact moment new cryptocurrencies begin trading or when ICOs go on sale. Best of all, this is all done right inside your favorite messaging applications — starting with Slack and Messenger. More platforms to launch soon.
Shaun Newsum
@erictwillis Thanks for the hunt!
abasa aka pfazer
Great project! You guys are having a token sale too? @eric, you know every brotha in crypto.
Frank Ramos
@snewsum This is awesome man. ICOs are 🔥 right now. 🙌🏻
Shaun Newsum
@francisco_ramos 🔥🔥🔥 Yes they are
Jerome Vobmann
Thanks so much, great project. Let us know if you launch your own ICO
Khadijah Hewitt-Nelson

Been using about a month. Easy to set up and use.


Customizable data, easy to setup


Would be cool if new coin announcements came with a link to their white pages or at least the website.