Organize, search and use icons the easy way
Emiel Janson
Iconjar — Store all your icons in one place, just a click away

Iconjar leaves digging through your design asset folders behind and lets you access your icons without the hassle. Your icon organizer is always just one click away. It features incredible support for SVG's and icon fonts that you can drag-and-drop into any app. It’s no rocket science, we pinky promise.

Jord Riekwel
This is an awesome app. It looks great, but more importantly, it works great. An essential if you work with icons, to be honest. Also I must add, what an awesome app icon you have there. (⌐■_■)
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@larkef Funny, the guy who designed the logo mark is also named Jord Riekwel ;)
Derek Nuzum
@daveyheuser pretty common name, right?😂
Aziz Firat
Been using the beta for a while now and its my go to app when it comes to icons! Congrats on the launch @daveyheuser & @curthard89 🎉
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@azizfirat Thanks, dude!
Sagi Shrieber
This is a great tool that really helps improve the design flow. Been a user ever since it came out. Thanks guys for this great tool!
Greg Gilbert
I'm a big fan of iconjar. It's an important part of my creative workflow :)
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@gregoiregilbert Glad to hear that!
Martijn Otter
Best design side-tool ever. Must need for all designers. Big love.
Jeffrey de Groot
Hands down the best app when working with icons. Have been using the beta for quite a while and since then Davey and Curtis managed to improve the app significantly. There are a lot of apps that seem to do the same, however, most of them won't allow you to store your own icons but force you to use their icons instead. Iconjar makes it really easy to search through your icons, preview them and paste them in your favorite design tool. Iconjar really changes the way you manage and store your icons.
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@jeffreydgroot Your feedback meant a lot during our beta period!
Jonathan Cremin
Anyone know of an equivalent to this for fonts?
Jad Limcaco
I've been a user since beta and pretty much use this everyday. Looks like some new improvements as well. Good job Davey and Curtis!
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@jadlimcaco Thanks, Jad. Glad you like it :)
Ramy Wafaa

At Roundicons.com we produce icons on daily bases and managing over 33,000 icons is a hard job. Our clients always asked us for a way to search and find the icons they are looking for. This was a huge problem for us until Iconjar came. From day one we imported our entire library and OMG the feedback we got from our clients! Iconjar We LOVE YOU <3


This is the long awaited icon management application! Top Support


Nothing at all, am crazy about it!

Peyton Hayslette
Been using this for some time. Great way to wrangle in an endless collection of icons!
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@peytonhayslette Glad that it solves that problem for you!
Pieter Korevaar
Great product! Have been using the beta for over a year now and this is a must have for designers. Shut up and take my money!
Bart Dunweg
Iconjar is a must-have for every designer or agency working with multiple icon sets. It's great to be able to have a clear overview of all my icons and manage them in one app. Just having to drag-and-drop my icons definitely speeds up my workflow.
Victor Wanders
Using this since mid 2015 beta. Great asset to my workflow, excellent with Sketchapp integration. Previously used other sluggish tools, Iconjar is a real breath of fresh air. congrats @daveyheuser & @curthard89 https://cl.ly/0z2r0W1U0u2W
Davey Heuser
Top Product
@victorwanders @curthard89 Haha perfect gif, thanks a ton!
Guilherme Sant'Ana
My favorite icon manager hands down!
Lee Peterson
I've been using Iconjar nearly every day for just over 1 full year and have loved every minute of its evolution. Huge advocate, getting my entire design team on board with using it. So happy to see it reach this stage! Keep up the awesome work, guys!
Eric Salama

Been using for UI Design, Keynotes and keeping my company's vector assets organized.


- Super fast workflow with quick drag to apps

- Preview in different sizes and colors

- Groups and Tags

- Delete all those .ai icon sheets!


- Can't think of any

Scott Lewis
I am a huge fan of IconJar and want to see the tool go further. I'd also love to see the icon design industry including icon designers and icon marketplaces adopt it as the industry standard package format. My only disappointment, if that is even a fair word for it, is that it is not scriptable with AppleScript. Would be great to be able to script the collections and icon objects. It would add some really powerful workflow automation possibilities for designers.
Attempted to try this app, the app wasn't able to verify itself
Curtis Hard
@mannyorduna Hey - it should verify itself, it just takes a long time due to the icon set we ship within the application. So Mac OS is scanning each file and taking a while.
Derek Nuzum
@curthard89 hmm while I get trying to provide a great baseline experience full of icons... Maybe that is something to download in the background after the app is installed. The Gatekeeper process is absolutely horrible and inefficient.
David Martín Suárez
Great tool for daily work! 🤘
Hemmo de Jonge
IconJar is the best! I use it all the time to organize my icons. The only thing what would make it even better is a Windows version of the app. I have quite a few clients, major companies, which use Windows and not MAC unfortunately. It would make my life a lot easier if I could just say: "here is a link, please download IconJar and find and organize your icons by keyword!"