Ideas Bored
The inspiring social network
Sbored. β€” Discover things to do in your free time
Do you have a lot of free time and don't know what to do with it? Don't worry, sbored has you covered.
Just press spacebar πŸ’» or tap the screen πŸ“± and find activites to enjoy in your free time.
Raunaq Vaisoha
Really interesting product with a fantastic constraint of using the spacebar for discovery. Great work!
Jad Bourji
Very nice. I think a chrome extension might be good too (for easy access)
Hello everyone. πŸ‘‹ I sometimes have a lot of time on my hands and I don't know what to do with it, and I am sure that a lot of people feel the same thing, especially after the pandemic. So I made this website which generates activities for you to enjoy in your free time. πŸš€ Features (Current and upcoming): - πŸ€ 40+ Activities with external links for some (more coming soon) - πŸ“± PWA, so you can install it on your phone from your browser - 🌎 A community where you can share your experiences and things that you do in your free time. (coming soon) Hope you guys like it.
Fake Geek
@eflatminor PWA feature is apparently broken or half-baked ... Not getting the usual install (add to home) banner and it gets added as a plain bookmark. Works offline though.
@alphageeky Thank you for the feedback, I will look into the problem. Also, can I please know what OS and browser you are using?
Vikas Shetty
Hahahah, awesome product simply love it. Simplicity at it's best.😍
Sam Barrowclough
Suggestions were actually really good. Kudos
@sam_barrowclough Thank you for the feedback
Sherri Becker
Congrats on the launch! You did an amazing job there!
Pablo! books
This is freaking amazing.
Allison Cristol
Looks very nice. Well done!
@allisoncristol Thank you so much for the feedback
Giacinto Carlucci
I like it! It's pretty addictive I should say πŸ˜‚ It would be helpful to have a prev and next button so I don't accidentally lose a cool idea
@giacintocarlucci Thank you for the feedback. I might add that feature soon.
Janet Sanchez
Congrats on the launch. Loving the vision
Felicia Martinez
Lauren Williams
Love it
Ashley Cook
Interesting. I will follow the project.
@ashleycook12 Thank you
John Hubbard