Ben Tossell

Design Inc 2.0 - Simplest way to hire the best creatives for your project

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Marc Hemeon
Hello again Product Hunt! We missed you :) We tried to sneak out 2.0 this week, good find Ben :) hahaha We have been pushing hard now for about 9 months building out a marketplace, failing, learning and iterating as fast as we can. Design Inc. 2.0 is a new model for us, and we would like to invite you to give it a try. Here''s how it works:
  1. 1.Tell us what you need and post your project for free.
  2. 2. Receive up to 5 proposals from our hand-curated design community. Designers pay a small fee to send a quote to you, so you know they are serious about working on your project.
  3. 3. Hire the right talentEvaluate proposals, portfolios, and skillsets, message and chat with the designers then hire the best fit for your project.
  4. Thats it! The transaction details are left to you and the Talent
Why do I need Design Inc.? The hand-curated group of creative folks on Design Inc. are quite diverse — we have all types of digital and graphic designers, but we also have writers, photographers and videographers — Here’s a non-exhaustive list of situations where you might want to use Design Inc.
  • I need a designer to help me design my mobile app including how the app works and what the app looks like.
  • I have a new business and I need a logo and a website. I need my website to look great on a mobile phone.
  • I need a designer to help with interaction and prototyping.
  • I need help editing my medium post.
  • I have a pitch deck that needs some design love to really make an impact.
  • I have some icons and illustrations that need to be done for our on boarding flow.
  • I need illustrations to help communicate what my product actually does.
  • I need a designer on an on-going basis to help my current team.
  • I would love to have a video explaining what our product or service does.
  • I need a photographer to shoot pics of my team or product.
  • I have a bunch of wire-frames, but need a designer to make these beautiful.
  • I need someone to create some awesome chalk typography or paint a killer mural in my office space.
  • I want to make some stickers, posters and t-shirts for my company.
  • I have hundreds of photos that need to be retouched.
  • I need my app or website totally redesigned from the ground up.
  • I’m working on a VR app and need a designer to help us out.
  • I need to find a design leader to help us establish design culture and create the right internal process to help designers thrive at our company.
  • I need an industrial designer to take my idea and make it a reality I need to just bounce some ideas off someone pretty much anything you can think of our designers have worked on a similar problem.
Carl Consing
@hemeon I've been intrigued with Design Inc since launch. What about the v1 marketplace didn't work? (I enjoy Undo btw!)
Vivian Cromwell
@hemeon Hey Marc, it is a great concept and I am always keen on marketplaces that enable people from different parts of the world to make things together. With engineering background, I started learning design since last year and went through a few design iterations with different designers. Some thoughts here: 1) I worked with two designers, one is the referral from a designer friend, the other is the referral from one of the engineers since they work together very well. Both of them are incredible but very different styles though. The endorsement from someone you trust is quite important. For example, if I get 5 quotes back, if one of them is recommended by my friend, the likelihood that I will go with that is much higher. 2) The transition from designer 1 to designer 2 took a bit time. I had to explain the business, branding, personas, everything before the 2nd designer could get started. More ever, similar to programming, everyone brings their own style and takes so they tend to change things to their likes even those change may not seem to be critical at one point. So this made me think: if I use one designer on DesignInc to start one project, I would prefer the same designer for future iterations and other related projects under the same product (such as pitch deck, illustration etc). How do you keep them on the platform? Overall, great concept!
Marc Hemeon
@cmconsing Super great question Carl - we kept a lot from the first version like messaging, designer portfolios (mine is up at and you can even hire folks from their portfolios for set services like a logo or a pitch deck. Here is what we learned and this is why we made 2.0: - We had a lack of transactions, despite demand. - Transaction fees are hard to pull off when a transaction is made online, but the service is delivered offline. - High priced design services require a human to sell the service and interact with the user. For a successful transactions on our platform we were calling people on the phone or having hour long chats to close the deal - even for simple logo projects for a few grand. - Most customers cannot authorize transactions to hire labor - they need approval. - Due to the high dollar amount of our transactions, users were not willing to pay with credit card, asked to be invoiced - Design Services are wildly variable making them difficult to narrow and commoditize. Users scope never quite fit into the service buckets we defined. - Many users are ok with "good enough" design - in other words, if they have a limited budget then we found they reduced their quality expectation.
Marc Hemeon
@viviancromwell we have learned the core problem we need to solve is helping you find a great person to work with. If you find a designer through Design Inc. and then want to keep working with them for all your design work (pitch decks, illustrations etc.) then do it! We think it's weird to try and max out every dime and nickel and we don't really care about keeping a job or someone tied to a platform. Most designers are strong in one skillset, so we know you will eventually be back to Design Inc. to find someone else to augment your team in the future. If we can help you find a great person, then we have done our job. I will admit, We wanted to initially take care of the entire process of working with and hiring someone, and this is what we built at first - payments, portfolios, messaging and status updates. At the end of the day the core problem people had was simple - how can I find a designer to help me, so thats what the new 2.0 and the new focus is all about ;)
Vivian Cromwell
@hemeon hey marc, great insight. what you described would have been my initial take on the product as well. but users often have their own mindset how they want to use the product.
Ben Tossell
I've been keeping an eye on Design Inc since it first launched - for some reason I watched the whole stream of @hemeon looking at designers applications and what he liked/didn't like and whether they made it onto the platform! Since then one Medium post of his was awesome: How to make a logo, for free, in about 5 minutes. Also, Design Inc has had a makeover which I spotted at the start of the week, and more new awesome features added to the platform! I'll let @hemeon explain more
Seth Louey
@bentossell @hemeon love Design Inc. Will be spending more of 2017 diving into everything. PS -
Bjoern Zinssmeister
@bentossell thank you Ben! Design Inc. ❤️ Product Hunt
mat morse
Hey @hemeon, I just saw your post on #launch, and I figured I'd come over and ask a few questions. I'm a freelance UI/UX Designer and I've used a number of other platforms, the problem is that they always seem to focus on the clients and the designers are treated badly. With your wording in the project description, this seems like another client focused product. So my question is 1 ) What is my incentive as a Designer to join? 2 ) Are clients projects subjected to the same level of scrutiny as the designers are. 3 ) When an issue arrises between client and freelancer will you try to be fair instead of siding with the money/client as other platforms typically do. I'm truly interested in and I will definitely be checking it out further. Thank you!
Marc Hemeon
@mat148 thanks for your questions lets dive right in! 1) Why join Design Inc.? we have a great community, shared slack group, and we share a lot of great templates, tips and general help designers out - I've been a designer for a while now and wanted a community I could be proud to be a part of. You could join Design Inc. and never even use what we just shipped - in fact you could get your account and have your profile at and just have folks work with you through that link - up to you on how you want to use our platform :) 2) Quality of client projects - so, since we launched we have projects for $20k and projects at $250, some projects have great descriptions and others I wonder if they know how to speak english - we are a free marketplace and anyone can post a project - so this means you are going to get some bad projects from time-to-time - but we are building tools and introducing rules to get rid of bad projects - for example, we introduced a rule yesterday, if a project doesn't get any bids for 2 days then it is removed from the platform. We will also focus on educating customers and helping them to understand how to create a truly compelling project. 3) One of the reasons we have moved to our new model is so we don't have to be the design police. Since we still have the feature that allows designers to transact we do occasionally have to get involved with a dispute. Thankfully we have only had one dispute the entire time and we ended up deciding to let the designer keep their deposit but not receive the additional payment, the reason being the design work done was not anywhere close to the design work we had seen from the designer in their portfolio when we approved them - the client kept asking to push the design and the designer just didn't do what the client asked. We are very transparent with our community and are truly trying to build something great for designers and users alike!
mat morse
@hemeon Thanks for taking the time to answer. 1 ) This sounds great, very helpful. I've been looking for a community, so this might just be the one. 2 ) That makes sense. Hopefully the platform will steer clients away from thinking design is a cheap, easy, and quick task ( at least to get quality ). 3 ) I appreciate the transparency. That sounds like you made the right choice in that dispute. My only hope is that you can keep it up when you start expanding. I wish you all the luck, my application has been turned in and I look forward to diving deeper into the service.
Rob Turlinckx
@mat148 Good questions. I've been using the services for 2 days now and I'm specially concerned about 2. Seems like most of the current client projects are really bad described. It's almost impossible to quote these kind of projects. And it's not really the client's fault, it's just a matter of educating the client as you explained @hemeon. Different types of projects need additional context. Definitely need to build in some qualifiers/rules or some guidelines for the client. I've used 10 credits just to get some additional context :).
mat morse
@robturlinckx @hemeon Yeah thats what I was worried about. Maybe some sort of report feature that tells the client to add more context and then put their project back up. Bad project descriptions can really hurt both the client and freelancer.
Colm Tuite
The product looks great and I've been intrigued since your early launch. You guys seem to be doing a very poor job of handling applications though. I applied months ago and have heard nothing back since - not even an email to tell me to get lost.
Bjoern Zinssmeister
@colmtuite Sorry mate, we have had a great deal of applications and are scaling up slow and steady right now. But check your email, maybe Santa came early?
Marc Hemeon
@colmtuite hey Colm thanks for your patience, we were super heads down on 2.0 now that we have this out we can start letting more designers back in. Sick Michael Jackson solo btw.
Marc Hemeon
@evankimbrell @colmtuite @zinssmeister sorry Evan I dont follow - what caption? happy to fix/edit
Joshua Ariza
On the platform, what is the most common project a client needs designed?
Marc Hemeon
@joshua_ariza Hi Josh! Frankly we have seen pretty wide diversity so far, but we see lots of logos, marketing site designs. Thankfully we are seeing more product design type of projects come in where folks need throughtful user experience and visual design for their applications. We have seen a few long term contracts like "i need a designer for 20 hours a week for the next 4 monhts" and some very short term stuff like "put my logo on a transparent background" which lets a designer make $200 in 10 mins. We had some neat writing projects on the platform as well.
Jake Fisher
Design Inc is making major changes for designers!
Bjoern Zinssmeister
@venturejakef thank you Jake! We are trying hard to add value to the design industry, while building a great company. This new feature set has been the result of many months of hard work. Trying various models and building out a lot of ideas. Everyone on the team did an amazing job at iterating fast and I hope our users and designers feel it 🙌
Greg Christian
Excellent launch. Party on amigos.
Jeremy Kovac
Forcing designers to pay for the right to send proposals. After spending 15 minutes signing up... Are you guys serious? That's no way to build a community. You just lost a freelancer...
Marc Hemeon
@jeremykovacs sorry to see you go - perhaps reach out to those on the community and chat with them :) lots of happy freelancers there.
Kunal Bhatia
This must be one of the fastest turnarounds to a v2.0 post on PH! Seems like solid logic to change the model. Good luck @hemeon and team. Would love to hear if you find similar results to your Typeform/Stripe test.
Marc Hemeon
@kunalslab Hi Kunai, I feel like our team has good instincts around what market fit looks like, and we knew we hadn't hit it with 1.0 - too early to tell if 2.0 is a market fit or not, but this time around we spent the last 45 days testing with our typeform prototype - already out the gate we are seeing some super early traction with 2.0 - but just have to keep pushing forward. Finding a balance between staying true to your vision and then making the changes you need to find fit is tough - hard not to get married to old product thinking sometimes.
Sean Green
Having a great experience so far kudos to @hemeon and team!
Marc Hemeon
@disruptart Thank you Sean for being a early customer!
Jordan Maddocks
I've used this now for several projects now and absolutely love it!! Keep up the good work guys!!!
Marc Hemeon
@jordymadd Thanks Jordan for being a customer!
Rick Chen
Logo looks great. concept is great as well, but as a designer myself, I dont really go close to the price bidding proposal thingy unless I absolutely have to, it smells like hell there.
Marc Hemeon
@rick_chen1 we are sensitive to this part of our model - so when a project gets 5 quotes the project is closed to further proposals. We charge about the same amount as a cup of fancy coffee to send a quote out - and that it - we dont take 20% of the project transaction or anything else. We found asking designers to quote on a project creates enough friction to ensure users are getting quotes from designers who align with their budget and project. If a project feels too low of a budget or has a terrible scope then dont bid it (those projects wont last long on Design Inc. anyway, projects that don't get bid on fade away). Hope this helps a bit - thanks for checking it out!
Guy Pearson
This reeks so bad of a staged posting that it's almost nauseating. You guys clearly need to work on your price points, and get aggressive with competing with other design marketplaces. It's not enough to be on the front page of Product Hunt. Your customers don't care.
Marc Hemeon
@guyp hi Guy - thanks for your comment - perhaps send me a note and share a bit more detail about what you mean? I don't quite follow - thanks!
Sabri Helal
Under the tips when submitting a new project idea it reads: "State the problem your solving" should be you're* solving.
Bjoern Zinssmeister
@sabrisjourney thanks man, will fix!
Ross Crooks
Congrats on the launch @hemeon and @_bklmn! It looks great. Rad to hear the learnings from 1.0.
Marc Hemeon
@rtcrooks @_bklmn we appreciate your support Ross! thank you for spending some time to comment and spend a little time here. swing by our office in Costa Mesa!
Arjun Tuli
Tried to join as a designer, but I think there is some script error. Please let me know if I am wrong or when it's fixed.
Marc Hemeon
@arjun_tuli hi Arjun please hit everything should be working properly
Vlad Rafeev
Apply form is far from ideal from a designer's perspective. No follow up email, no information about "what is next". I have filled the form and don't know, what will happen next.
Marc Hemeon
@dandaka Hi Vald - I don't see you in our prospects list - did you go to shoot me a note so we can review your work! did a search for you