Mike Coutermarsh

imgix - Resize, crop, and process images on the fly

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Mike Coutermarsh
Happy Cyber Monday! Excited to share one of my favorite tools. We use imgix at Product Hunt to host / resize / process all of our images on the fly. For $100 in imgix credits. Sign up for an account and email support@imgix.com with “Product Hunt Cyber Monday Promo” in the subject line. (Valid until 12/4/2015)
Luke Chesser
I can't say enough good things about Imgix. We use them for Unsplash to serve over 500 million photos per month. They're not just about dynamic resizing (though they do that extremely well). We've found the options they provide in their API let us add little details quickly that usually take significant engineering resources. Examples below from their blog: - face detection and cropping: helps solve the oval avatar cropping problem that's quite common, but without the need for a frontend cropping library. http://blog.imgix.com/2015/06/19... - exif extraction: we originally built our own exif extraction tool, but we replaced it with Imgix's JSON API since it simplified our workers and resulted in one less dependency. http://blog.imgix.com/2015/05/20... - retina/responsive images: took all of 5 minutes to include this and deploy it. Easiest retina images ever. https://www.imgix.com/imgix-js - automatic point of interest cropping: we use this to try to figure out what the subject of the photo is when cropping. It's not perfect obviously, but it does a pretty damn good job and is better than cropping to the center of a photo. http://blog.imgix.com/2015/10/21...