Hey all - about a year ago we launched (on PH) a way for people to get their legal work done through text messaging. Since then we've helped thousands of companies (including some the most upvoted ones here), processed close to a million in legal fees, and currently scaling faster than any law firm in history.
The legal profession is going through a period of rebirth thanks to the information revolution—so a bot that disseminates traditionally inaccessible legal services through Facebook messages seemed like the right move.
Just message it your legal situation and get a fixed-fee price quote from a 24/7 LawTrades project manager. Afterwards, you'll be routed to a top-rated startup attorney who will begin working on your project immediately. All work on LawTrades includes full end-to-end management and a 100% money back guarantee. We're also around 60% more affordable than traditional law firms.
Feel free to try it out. Would love to get your thoughts!
I've referred a few friends to LawTrades with nothing but good feedback! They're great for small startups that need some of the legal basics covered but can't afford traditional lawyer fees. Cover your bases with your terms and privacy policies without taking something generic that doesn't catch your use cases off the internet, and don't break the bank.
I can't wait to see what this grows into as more data analysis and automation are introduced, streamlining and heavily disrupting one of the most foundational industries there is.