Empowering Everyday Heroes with an AI Coach that can see and interact with your workouts. Let Impakt see, track, analyze and guide you to your personal fitness goals.
@ashitvora Thank you! Yes, they do need to keep their camera on. The analysis & rep detection all happens LOCALLY on the user's device.
In addition, the app auto-generates a sizzle reel (video of the user's workout highlights) LOCALLY on the user's device, so they can save it to camera roll or share it out. If they don't save or share, the video is deleted.
The only time the sizzle reel would leave their device is, IF they choose to share it to our social feed (or any other social media).
Hope this answers your question. If you have more, let us know.
And make sure to try the app out, it's a lot of fun 😎
@stan_xu1 thank you! for me a phone case with a built-in fold-out stand has been a game-changer 😉 but it also works perfectly well if you lean your phone against a wall or object on the floor
Congrats on your PH launch! 🎉 But let’s be real—nothing, not AI, not humans, not aliens, and definitely not even God (sorry, God… ammm, I guess God could, but only God) can get me into the gym. Some things are just beyond even the best tech!
@pradeepmalakar good thing is - with Impakt you don't have to go to the gym! 😁 you can do it all at home, without any equipment and with only a few minutes of your time 🤙
@ursina oh okayy!
I’ll give it a try. But please, pray for me—because there’s a solid chance I’ll ghost it after day one. Let’s hope Impakt is ready for the challenge!
@pradeepmalakar it happens to me a lot and I browse the feed and watch gif-like mini-videos of others' posts doing workouts. After one or two days of stalking I start feeling the need to move and get off the chair.
@maxcomx Will be a while since most AI can only do picture analysis not in real-time. Our difference is that we can do real-time motion analysis over multiple frames.
@maxcomx LLMs are nice, but also very general and very costly. I do not see point why would we use LLMs literally for every thing, especially that the costs are high. In this kind of applications, despite the obvious fact that performance is the key, also the costs would be very high to use some kind of LLM for that such as ChatGPT even if it was very accurate.
@alexxiang Great idea! We'd love to launch a nutrition component next year. Maybe even launching that feature here are Product Hunt. Love the community and all the support here.
Build a healthy habit step by step: let KaiKai, our AI Coach, take you by the hand and guide you through your personalized fitness journey.
Just show up and let KaiKai take care of you. You'll never feel alone & it's probably the most fun you've ever had doing a workout and building a consistent fitness routine :-)
Also it takes only a few minutes out of your day. So why not just give it a try?
Let us know how you like it and how we could make it even better!
Interesting product, I imagine it could be pretty taxing on the phone to be recording this live and also processing it locally? I’d like to assume it’s some mix of a transformer model and computer vision.
Been a great journey both building and using Impakt! It literally makes me like and want to do fitness now. It somehow sneaked itself into my life quite seamlessly, and I'm all the better for it 💪
The Impakt AI App is evolving every day to become the best AI fitness coaching app. It can guide you, interact with you, personalize your workout routine, and help you become a stronger version of yourself—empowering everyday heroes like each and every one of us.
We warmly recommend that you try it out and experience its evolution day by day. Join us on this journey, and we’d love to have your support as we grow.
Impakt: AI Coach
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Impakt: AI Coach