Have meetings with meaning. 1:1s is a dedicated space to collaborate on agendas, follow up on topics, and track conversations for more productive 1:1 meetings.
🙌Create a dedicated shared space
1:1s help people who work closely together regularly align.
Whether it’s your manager, coach, mentor, or peer, you can regularly collaborate and prepare for 1:1s from one place.
For added convenience, a quick link can be easily added to a scheduled or recurring calendar invite.
🤝Collaborate on topics
A little structure can go a long way. Prompt meaningful conversations that drive follow-ups by adding agenda topics directly from goals or reports.
Use the Topics Library to look for suggestions, or for additional flexibility add a custom topic.
📈Track progress together
Provide extra context, or ask for more information. Leave notes to help document discussions and quickly align on future topics (without meeting).
Participants can both look back to past items for insights when encountering similar challenges in the future.
⏰Stay up-to-date
Keeping up can feel like a challenge. Participants get notified when someone adds a topic, leaves a note, or marks a topic as discussed.
💡Know that 1:1s are happening
Identify who’s set up 1:1s and when the most recent agenda items were created and completed.
From goals and skills in progress to discussions on reports, understand which topic tags are being used to ensure that follow up conversations are happening and fostering development.