Ramon Rodriganez

Inbox - Get a dedicated talent agent and avoid recruiter spam

🕵️‍♀️ Get a Talent Agent (TA) who will qualify all recruiter messages you receive.
❓ Your TA will ask the questions which really matter (salary, stack, flexibility ...) and recommend the relevant ones.
⏱ Save time.
👋 And say bye to recruiter spam. Forever.

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Ramon Rodriganez
Hello Product Hunt! Ramón here, co-founder at Nova (https://www.novatalent.com/). Today, I am excited to share a new exciting product for all Software Engineers out there: Inbox. Who else among you is tired of managing unsolicited recruiter messages? We have talked to hundreds of Software Engineers and they all tell us the same: they feel overwhelmed by the amount of unsolicited opportunities they receive, but still don't want to miss out on them as sometimes great things come by. This is the reason we launch Inbox today: to provide you with a dedicated Talent Agent that will manage your recruiter contacts, qualify the opportunities you receive based on your interests and let you focus on the ones worth your attention. Get full control over all the offers you receive. Your Talent Agent will ask the relevant questions for you, those that never appear in job offers: salary, tech stack, working model, etc. No more receiving dozens of job opportunities through LinkedIn and mass emails from recruiters who don’t know you. Focus only on the opportunities that are truly relevant to your interests and expectations. If you are a Software Engineer and want to save time thanks to Inbox and a dedicated Talent Agent, sign up today. We have opened the platform for a free 3-month trial for the first users - then it will remain free if you qualify as a Nova member. Big congrats to @Cristian García and @Jose Serrano, the makers who have been working super hard behind the scenes to make this happen!
Cristian Garcia Fernandez
What a journey @ramon_rr! It's been almost a year since we started digging into the Software Developer's pain points. During our research, we shortly realized that recruitment spam was, by far, one of the main problems they have. Why? - Most of the time, the contacts they are receiving are just spam. Untargeted contacts for random positions. (And this is actually damaging a lot the image of the recruiting industry.) - Proposals usually lack the key information that tech profiles need to take into consideration (Salary, Remote options, Tech Stack, What's the product really about...) - When software developers want to get more info about those relevant points, they need to go through a painful process with the recruiter, asking uncomfortable and wasting a lot of time. That's why we brought Inbox to live! The main principles of the product are: - The user has FULL CONTROL. You manage all the contacts you receive. Your agent only help you gathering key data, curating it, and giving you suggestions about your next move. - No more Spam! We'll only notify you about what's really relevant once the offer is complete. - Personal! Although we have a significant tech component, we want to know about your dreams and goals, and your agent will help you achieve them. That's it guys! Thanks a lot for checking out and of course, all the feedback you can provide to us about Inbox will be super appreciated!!
Avinash Sukhwani
Wow, this looks fantastic!
Miguel Angel Piedra
This product looks amazing! Are you planning to extend it also for data profiles? Thanks!
Cristian Garcia Fernandez
@miguel_angel_piedra glad you liked it Miguel Angel! We are aware that data profiles are suffering also this kind of pain points. Sometimes, it's actually quite difficult to draw the line that divides software and data profiles. Right now, we're only focused on Software, as our agents are also specialized on that topic, but I'm sure that we'll be covering areas such as data or product pretty soon too!
williams aguilera
What happens with offers that the Talent Agent considers are not right for me? Will I see those? Do you filter offers in any way?
Cristian Garcia Fernandez
@williams_aguilera you'll have access to ALL the offers you receive always. Whenever your agent has gathered all the information of an offer that might not be suitable for you, they'll post in on the platform including a 'Not recommended' label, telling you also why they don't find it interesting for you to consider. However, if you don't agree with your agent and you want to apply for it, you'll have access to do it and you'll receive an introduction to the recruiter who sent it
Daniel Marco
How can I make sure my Agent will make sure to share with me only the relevant opportunities?
Cristian Garcia Fernandez
@daniel_marco Thanks for asking Daniel! Your agent will have access to your preferences (desired role, the skills you want to develop, the kind of companies you are interested in, desired remote working framework). They'll make sure that you won't be bothered with offers that are not relevant to you!
Enrique Mochales
It will definitely change the way one interacts with recruiters! But I have a question, based on what will my Talent Agent filter the information I used to receive? Congrats for this amazing idea!
Cristian Garcia Fernandez
@emochales Thanks a lot Enrique! Your agent will curate the offers you receive based always on your preferences. And they'll know it from two sources: - The information you include in the Onboarding process (You'll have always access to it inside the platform too!). Here you'll be asked about your desired role, the skills you want to develop, the kind of companies you are interested in, etc... - Unlimited access to reaching your agent directly through direct messages, letting them know what is important for you, so they'll consider it while curating your offers. In any case, you'll always have full control over the offers you receive. Hope this helped!! :)
Beatriz García Aranda
Congratulations guys! This new tool looks amazing! I just have a question, how can we make sure the recruiters will stop contacting me?
Sara Rojas
It looks fantastic! I have just joined the waitlist! But I still have one question: if my preferences change after a while, how can I let my talent agent know the new ones?
Cristina Mateo Gracia
Amazing job! 👏
Ojelola Ojelabi
Congratulations on the launch guys 🎉🎉
Congrats on the launch, guys! Looking great. The fact that you can offload dealing with recruiters to your own talent agent and just get the summarized info of all the offers you receive is a killer feature IMO. I'm wondering – what's next on the roadmap for Inbox?
María Varela
Looks sharp! What if a recruiter does not want to disclose a relevant aspect, like salary until later on in the process? Will the Talent Agent disregard this offer? Thanks!
Nicolas Nemni
Looks promising! Planning to expant also to PM Profiles?