Franco Varriano - Actionable, helpful & interactive content for your readers

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Derek Shanahan
Been interesting to watch these guys iterate and re-brand from and StartupPlays before that. Love the direction of Guides.
Franco Varriano
@lauraklein Thanks for posting about your experience - really cool to see this conversation happening on ProductHunt :)
Franco Varriano
Create interactive, mixed media content and get lead information and detailed analytics on your readers.
Özgür Alaz
It is like with style. I like the idea. It seems very scalable and profitable idea. If i start a startup on education sector, i'd definately do something like this.
Franco Varriano
@dshan Thanks for your support man! It's been a great journey, many bigger things to come :)
Derek Shanahan
@FrancoVarriano The product's come a long way and really nails its value prop. Best of luck!
Ryan Hoover
@FrancoVarriano - from what I remember, was a learning platform and marketplace. I remember seeing @lauraklein on it. Why the pivot? @ashbhoopathy - you might want to check this out.
Laura Klein
@rrhoover I've published a couple of pieces of evergreen content on it. It's been a nice way to monetize content that's not big enough for a book but is too big for a blog post. It also prevents me from having to explain research recruiting over and over and over. :)
Franco Varriano
@rrhoover - It's funny that we get lumped into "education", our philosophy is actually quite different. The "pivot" is in name only, underlying models are all the same. Would be happy to give you the full story sometime :)
Laura Klein
@FrancoVarriano You're welcome. You guys made it super easy to publish. The only thing keeping me from putting more on there is having time to create the content.
Scott Annan
Hey @rroover although people do "learn" from guides, our intention has always been to be practical, actionable resources, not "courseware". I've got nothing against online learning, but I'd rather have someone as a guide ("here's what I did that worked") than teach me ("do it this way"). Plus, #INeverLikedHomework :p
Ryan Hoover
@scottannan - I didn't like homework either. :) That's great. Most of the advice and content written lack actionable advice.
Helen Crozier
i would say that i really liked the look of this but if i do i'm so afraid of being pounced on by the other e-learning course providers. so far i'm very keen on fedora but this is looking attractive too. pros and cons for all of the great providers out there and it seems to be hotting up in terms of competition. ps i only say that because that's what happened last time i made a comment about these types of software. for the record i'm experimenting with a few.