Yaroslaw Bagriy

IndieStack - Community for digital makers and bootstrappers.

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Yaroslaw Bagriy
Hey there! 👋 I’m proud to introduce the IndieStack community. We’re a private community for digital makers, bootstrappers, indie founders, and solopreneurs. Our community members are absolutely amazing dedicated indie entrepreneurs making a better living online. I created this private community because after 9 months of being an indie maker I realized I didn’t have any real online friends. Only people I followed. I vaguely knew many people but never felt like I was a part of anything. Being an indie entrepreneur is a lonely journey so I decided to create a tight and intimate community for us focused on building real genuine relationships. Another reason I decided to create IndieStack was that so many of the public communities are rooted in building an audience and selling a product. It was getting pretty old to see posts where the author gives their value and then at the end pitches their product. It’s all engineered to bring customers and not build relationships. Also, there are so many amazing indie entrepreneurs out there like Justin Jackson and Rob Walling who’re already indie superstars that it’s impossible to break into their inner circles. That’s another reason I created IndieStack. To give all of the other digital makers an opportunity to join an amazing inner circle where they can grow with the rest of their peers. We all benefit from the collective. I welcome you to joining our thriving and growing community if you’re looking to build amazing friendships on your indie quest. We’re your digital family and we’re excited to have you join! Today I want to give the ProductHunt 25% off all plans! https://indiestack.memberful.com... https://indiestack.memberful.com... Update: We just crossed 100 members! (10+ have joined so far today)
Tony Dehnke
@yarobagriy Justin is pretty open on Twitter, and has a community too with MegaMakers that people can join. Not sure I'd call that impossible.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@owenfar1 thank you for the support Owen 🙏 we have no intention of going away. We’re in it for the long term. Also I do agree with you. But offering a free trail or monthly membership will cause a very big influx of people. Also you need more than a month to really get value out of a community. A month simply isn’t enough time. We are adding an application process and interview process soon too.
Naveh Mevorach
How that different than indiehacker?
Colin Bartlett
@naveh_mevorach I am a member of both but find IndieStack more intimate because of its private nature. I share things and am more vulnerable there than I might be on Indie Hackers because the latter is publicly accessible to anyone browsing the web.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@naveh_mevorach Like Colin said in his comment, it is private. Private means privacy. With the public communities everyone has access to what you post. This could be a turn off for many people who really want to get feedback but with a smaller audience. Also with a private community members are much more engaged. The discussions are much more detailed and in-depth. We have virtual meetups where to discuss peoples products, feedback, ideas, and so much more. It really does feel like a virtual city. A digital family. Sign-up for a year and see for yourself. You won't regret it!
Naveh Mevorach
@yarobagriy I might give it a try:)? But how can you manage who get access to the content. Does everyone get join the community or there are some terms?
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@naveh_mevorach it’s available for anyone at the moment but I am developing an application processes now which will have a set of questions. Been working on getting a few other things working first 😊
Johan Bavaud
Intersting, I give it a shot by taking 1 year subscription 🙌🏻 Congrats on the launch, Yaroslaw !
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@johan_bavaud thank you 🙏 looking forward to seeing you in the community 🔥
Nataliia Bagriy
Congrats on the launch 🔥
Fajar Siddiq
Congratulations 🥳
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@fajarsiddiq Thank you Fajar for the support :)
Jack  Sng
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@jacksng Thank you Jack! We really appreciate it.
Jesse Sutherland
I have found this community inviting and helpful. Love the drive behind some of the makers that hang out there. Always inspires me.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@thejester12 Thank you Jesse! You're definitely a big contributor to such an amazing community :)
Charles-Eugène Loubao
Congratulations on the launch! As one of the early members I wanted to share my experience: The solo entrepreneur journey is full of ups and downs, emotionally and physically draining. You feel like you have no one to turn to or that nobody understand what you are doing. I have to say that for the first time I have found a community where I genuinely feel like I belong. The IndieStack community brings entrepreneurs from all walks of life in one place. We share our good and bad moments with each other, genuinely help each other by offering tips and feedback and motivate one another. The daily status update keeps me accountable by sharing what I am working on in real-time and seeing what others are working on at the same time. I really like the virtual meetups too. It is a good way to check-in with others, hear what is going on in their lives. We also brainstorm possible ideas and sometimes just hangout. Those meetups are a great way to hear and sometimes see other members which helps me feel less alone in my journey. The forum is also full of resources to help me grow as an entrepreneur. What makes this community unique is that it feels genuine. It feels like a small neighborhood on the Internet where everyone is hustling trying to better their life and achieving independence (it is a bit corny to say it this way I know but I don't care haha😅) Thank you Yaro for creating this amazing community! Keep up the good work!
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@charles_eugene_loubao Thank you so much for being such an awesome member :)
simar ahluwalia
How is.this different from stack exchange ?
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@simmar_ahluwalia Well Stack Exchange is to ask programming questions. We're more about building friendships, community, and family. We're also implementing a few custom features too which will add more value to the community. It's similar to any online community expect it's private, which means privacy. A safe trusted circle, your inner circle.
Andy Cloke
Awesome job @yarobagriy! On the landing page there’s a lot of focus on how ‘private’ it is. It’d be good to explain a little more why you think this is a good thing. Especially as it goes against the common ‘build in the open’ mentality of something like IndieHackers. Maybe private = higher quality, less noisy discussion. I’ve definitely noticed IH can feel a bit spammy these days. Whatever the reason I think it’d be good to add it to the copy.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@andycloke Thank you Andy for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'm all for 'build in the open' but to me I'd rather do it with a private trusted group of friends versus having thousands of people see what you're up to. I guess that's the point of building in public, to get more eyes on it. Private for IndieStack has lead to less noise and much deeper and detailed conversation. I've been on IH less and less over the months as every post is the same value add + sell your product template. It's great, but many people are looking for something different. I'll add that to the copy after the launch day. Thank you again for the feedback!
Elena Guberman
I love the community you're building Yaro - happy to be a part of it and have it as a support network! Congrats on the launch 💯
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@elena_guberman Thank you Elena for the kind words :)
Felix Scholz
Been a member for a while. It's a friendly & supportive community for indie makers. Congrats on the launch Yaro!
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@fscholz Thank you Felix for the support and being such an amazing member!
Dru Riley
Glad that IndieStack is doing virtual meetups. Keep up the great work Yaro 👊
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@dru_riley Thank you Dru for your support! We've been doing it for about a month now and we're absolutely loving the outcomes. Virtual meetups are the future of communities.
Vansh Aggarwal
Hey @yarobagriy congratulations 🤟
Just joined this community recently. There are tons of friendly, driven people who are willing to help. Congrats @yarobagriy on the launch!
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@janel_loi Thank you for the support! We're so glad you're a member. Looking forward to the discussions and your progress.
Salil Sethi
Just joined. Looking forward to meeting other Indie makers.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@salil_sethi Thank you for joining! Looking forward to getting to know you :) our indie quests continue!
Isaac Medeiros
As an early member, I have been able to gather lots of feedback for my products before shipping. The community is incredibly tight-knit and genuinely care about each others' success. If you're looking for a place where you can meet fellow makers, this is it.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@nocodeisaac Thank you Isaac for the support! It's been a blast having you apart of the community. Can't wait to see you launch your new product soon.
Amazing community. Worth every penny. P.S I am a member of this community.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@falak_sher We're glad to have you! Thank you for the kind words!
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@knightbenax Thank you Col! I appreciate it :)
Alejandro Silva
If you are on the bootstrapped path, you will love this community. They are amazing! Reading what they are doing every day and how they overcome every obstacle they encounter fills me with motivation and valuable learning in my desire to become an indie hacker.
Yaroslaw Bagriy
@asilvabe Thank you Alejandro :) I'm really glad you're getting a lot of value out of it!