Hi Product hunters!
Super excited to finally release iLoop.
iLoop is your right hand whatever you need is done in one click, or not even a click.
Should it be a business meeting, haircut, doctor's appointment or social outings with friends, iLoop will send out invitations to all and start the negotiations and at the end will suggest the best time and location, meeting the highest expactation of all participants.
Alongside iLoop is all about time, from the beginning till the end, so it will suggest you a a doctor's appointment at a time and location spending the least travel and wait time to and from this appointment.
Same is when you are looking for a restaurant it will suggest you restaurants that you can get to and eat and then be at the following event on time, taking in account real-time traffic, transportation and all your current scheduled events.
iLoop will also make sure you never forget anything, with our sphisticated deep learning system we make sure to always be ahead of you with your needs so never again say "oh I forgot this".
We just released our public beta and have over 1000 teams using iLoop. Even so, iLoop is getting stronger by the day. Start saving time and money and be the first one to hear about our awesome, upcoming features.
Just ping me here if you have any question or feedback.
I'm all ears.