Meet is a keyboard for Android and iOS that lets you select available time slots in your calendar without leaving the app you’re in and send them to anyone through a simple link, even if they don’t use Sunrise.
No more back-and-forth via email, no more time lost switching to your schedule to find the right times, your calendar is always just one tap away :)
@alice_default like you (all here) we got fed up with the constant back and forth you always seem to have to go through whenever you want to get a simple one-on-one appointment. 😖
That's why, 3 years after this post, we created Rendez; a very simple way to make an appointment. 😎
Reid Hoffman told us to launch early, so here it is. 🚀 We’re really looking for feedback on what to improve next. Let us know below and we’ll work on that.
I tried so many different apps to eliminate the finding a time back and forth nonsense.
It looks good and I really like what Sunrise has done with the calendar so far.
Super slick! I like that it switches back to the previous keyboard when you're done creating a Meet. It's a tiny detail, but it's so important for the UX.
Btw, how does it handle scheduling conflicts? Say I proposed a 5 pm time for someone, but since they take a while to respond I schedule something else for that slot. How do you deal with those situations? And is there a way to see what time slots I've suggested to someone already (for when scheduling other meetings)?
@tkrunning The details ;-) If you suggest the same time to two different people it will be first come first serve. In case you manually add an event before the other person responds we won't remove the event and you'll see both.
We had a feature before to show the time slots you already suggested, but removed it for v1 and might get back to it. Thanks for your feedback.
@jeremylv Great workflow so far, but the missing conflict management (e.g. adding already suggested dates as "provisional" to the calendar) is a deal breaker for me for using it in a business context.
What is likely to happen is that I suggest a time using Sunrise Meet, forget about it and then give it to someone else. When my other business contact then wants that time, too, I am into trouble.
How do you plan to solve that issue?
@stefanvetter Hi Stefan, invitees only see your availabilities in real time. So if you send the same meet time to Contact 1 and Contact 2 and contact 1 selects it first, it will disappear from the list of options you've sent to Contact 2.
@alice_default@jeremylv Thanks for the info, that is a nice feature, but it only solves the problem partially - given that I schedule ALL my meetings through Sunrise Meet. As soon as I manually book a slot I proposed with Sunrise Meet before (because I don't see that in my Calendar), the problem persists.
Why don't you offer a "Add to calendar as provisional" option here like Boomerang Calendar for Gmail does?
Sorry for beeing persistant here, but for me the difference between a good and a great product is in the details ;-)
@stefanvetter@tkrunning thanks for the comment Stefan. Actually, manually booking events in your calendar on "Meet offered time slots" will also remove the options from the list your invitee sees, sorry about the confusion.
But I do understand where you are coming for and just like @jeremylv said, adding the provisional time slots is something that we might get back to in later versions of the product. stay tuned :)
Question: If I send invite link and one of the time slots has been taken since the invite was sent but before the invitee choose a time slot does that time slot get removed from the invitee's options?
I agree with comments here that this is a much needed problem to solve. Its actually pretty surprising at the lack of super simple/easy to use products have emerged for this so far. I did some digging on this over the last few weeks and ended up going for Boomerang Calendar which is free,and lets you drop schedules into emails with suggested dates. It integrated with google calendar nicely off the shelf and has a nice feature of marking all the dates you suggest in there as provisional (to stop double bookings) until the recipient accepts after which it cleans them up automagically for you. I'd love to hear if there is anything with Sunrise Meet that would be worth me swapping away from Boomerang Calendar...?
@jasondainter We believe that sharing a URL with a contact is much more powerful and easier way than sharing an email with your availabilities. We're essentially trying to make you send less emails involving back and forth and spend more time doing things that matter to you instead.
@jeremylv makes sense thanks for the reply. And would agree with you there. With Boomerang their solution is pasting this html table with call to action buttons directly in the email. Its a nice idea but in practise it has limitations such as on mobile its pretty gross, and if images are disabled things go wonky. Also they cant handle certain date spans I've noticed where if the suggested date spans over too long a date period it breaks. Your solution using a simple link sounds way better, and works anywhere. I had a few other questions:
1) Whats the pricing model?
2) When you enter in suggested dates, can you optionally block out those dates in your google calendar and then automatically unblockout them once the recipient confirms? This is a killer feature on boomerang tbh as since I send out tons of invites being able to properly manage the provisional dates suggested is almost as important to me as the ones that ultimately get booked (to avoid double bookings which looks really unpro when you suggest a date and then have to tell them its now unavailable after the recipient says yes)
3) Do you allow us to view availability on *multiple* calendars when you suggest a date? I tried a few tools that only allowed one calendar so was a dealbreaker for me.
4) Do you have some kind of gmail widget/app/chrome app so you can easily generate availability whilst in gmail? I spent 99% of my scheduling time in gmail so this was a big plug for me to be able to do it all in gmail and not have to leave the screen.
@jasondainter thanks for all the questions Jason!
1. Meet is completely free.
2. Right now you can't block out dates from your calendar. However, if you suggest a time slot to someone then book something else on the same time slot before your invitee replies, this time slot will be remove from the list of options your invitee sees.
3. When choosing a date, you can view the availability of all the calendars you have visible in Sunrise so yes.
4. Not yet but it's something we might get to on later versions of the product. For now, we've added the Meet option on our web and desktop apps to make it as easy as possible to generate a Meet link.
Would love to see this ability inside the app as well. For me this problem not as frequent to enable yet another keyboard. The problem with custom iOS keyboards is that you can't hold-the-globe to switch to the right keyboard, you need to go though every keyboard you have to get to the right one.
@nikitakorotaev Thanks for your feedback Nikita. We haven't found an elegant way yet to include Meet in our mobile app, but are thinking about it. Hopefully the switch between keyboards will be improved by Apple at some point.
Congrats to @jeremylv and the team. I'm big fan of your calendar and now your keyboard.
However after launching our custom keyboard on AppStore we received the same feedback about the switching issue that @nikitakorotaev mentioned. We already found a solution to avoid switching between several keyboards without killing the features. In upcoming weeks, we'll share more details and i hope it will be applicable to your keyboard as well.
@nikitakorotaev@farbodsaraf Thanks for the kind words Farbod! Would be curious to hear your experience tackling this issue. Want to follow up via email? jeremy(at)sunrise(dot)am :)
So I'm not a Sunrise user (I prefer Fantastical), but I downloaded it again because this keyboard is really neat. I created a meeting from the Meet keyboard using and it pasted the invite link in there. Is it possible to give Sunrise a contact to email the invite to instead?
@jeremylv@kicksopenminds So when I used the Meet keyboard, it generated a link for me and pasted it into the note I was in. But what I really wanted it to do was ask me for email addresses and automatically send the invite link out with a subject pre-filled for me. Is that possible?
LOVE THIS!! I've been using Sunrise on my iPhone for ages - this is an awesome addition to an amazing product :)
@jeremylv can you tell us more about it? :)
Well this is how you do something that works! Tackle a classical problem everybody have regularly and remove all the crap in between. Congratz sunrise @pierrevalade
Beautiful! Very smart choices here - using the keyboard for ubiquitous calendar access, and trimming the huge jungle of scheduling problems into a (relatively) simple, focused 1:1 use case.
+Bonus points for setting expectations right in the headline: "schedule a one-to-one".
Just tried it out for a test spin and worked like a charm. Do you envision any automatic scheduling features in the future? As in a combination of Sunrise with (
Having the ability to just send a Sunrise email link that auto knows my favorite coffee shop and meeting times would be great.
This is AMAZING! The fact that this exists via Keyboard integration is amazing. I can send invitations in Outlook, in Slack, via iMessage...anything.
Best innovation i've seen on the iOS Custom Keyboard Platform yet!
Universal problem, simple (clever) solution. I think we have a winner here. It seems like you approached the same issue as, but this makes a lot more sense (though they are not nec mutually exclusive).
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