Alessandro Bogliari

Top 10 Instagrammers by Follower Count - The Most Followed Instagrammers [Visualization]


We created a dynamic visualization of the top 10 Instagram accounts from 2014 to 2019 that can help you realize the power and growth of influencers in the last 5 years.

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Umberto Pellegrini
Seems a cool product! I would love to see the same followers tool for YouTube and Twitch 😊
Alessandro Bogliari
@upellegrini thanks for the feedback :)
Iva Mihovska
Such an useful information! Great job @alexeidos I'd love to see a visualization of top 10 Youtubers by follower count, because I am super interested in this topic! :)
Alessandro Bogliari
@iva_mihovska thank you Iva, noted!
tapas kumar
great to see the top influencing people in instagram
Alessandro Bogliari
@tapas_kumar2 yes, it is a cool visualization uh!
Alessandro Bogliari
I am interested in knowing if you would like to see also a visualization of other social media influencers (YouTube, Twitch, etc). Let me know if the comments :)
Jennifer Okoro
Nice Job. Useful information