A startup about helping each other to browse smartly and get to their goals faster. No more endless searches, get human help from those who have already been there. Waiting List Open!
I was sick of not finding the right perspective I needed to quench my learning task on the internet. SEO has over optimised for targeting, while the content is not that good. Experts who have posted things do not come to the limelight. It took me months sometimes to find the right link where the next step in my learning journey was going to be taken. During this time I had this idea of connecting with others over links. I had a lot of bookmarks and I could talk about them if someone was interested.
So I am launching inko, where you find information about the internet and not on the internet. With ratings, chats, long form and ability to organise knowledge for others and yourself, we can make the internet a smarter place for all of us.
No more endless searches, No more months of confusion, No more myopic insights. Let's build a place where we can find information about the internet faster and better.
I invite you read on the website and join the waiting list of Inko to get 1 month ad free experience. Pura Vida!