Insanley Simple
The obsession that drives apple's success
Andrew So

Insanely Simple — The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success


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Andrew So
Ken Segall gives an in-depth look at how Steve Jobs obsessed about simplicity and hated complexity. If you're willing to re-evaluate your company's processes with fresh eyes, you'll see unnecessary complexity everywhere. Plus, since Segall worked so closely with Jobs, you'll get behind-the-scenes stories of some of Apple's most iconic products and ad campaigns.
ben Watanabe
@andrewdixonso Seems interesting, will have to give it a go. Always weary of outsiders books on Apple, but since you say he worked directly with Jobs and googling him turned up that he named the iMac and wrote the "Think Different" manifesto am definitely interested!
Andrew So
@benwtnb Most of the the author's work alongside Steve Jobs was with Chiat Day, Apple's ad agency for decades. Although the stories are specifically about Jobs, it's clear that Apple's entire organization was focused on simplicity.