Ben Yoskovitz

Insomnia REST API Client - Build, manage, and run templated REST API requests

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Pascal Jaillon
Beautiful experience! I've played with a lot of chrome extensions while working on rest2mobile and I must say that this UX is very well done.
Love it. Would also love to see support for GraphQL ☺️
Gregory Schier
@camgould might be working on this soon! :)
Gregory Schier
@camgould GraphQL support is live! Check it out :)
@gregoryschier Thanks Gregory! ...I actually noticed it the moment you added it 😁 I've been playing with it ever since πŸ‘πŸΌ
Jeff Andersen
This is pretty cool. I've actually featured the tool in a tutorial for novice programmers I put together about building a REST API They really liked it and found it easy to test out their code without having to also write a client for their API.
Gregory Schier
@jeffandersen great tutorial. It makes me happy to see @getinsomnia being used like this in the wild :)
This might put a few paid API clients on notice. A well executed and simple solution to a common problem, loving it so far.
Christopher Cuilla
Been using Insomnia for a couple months and I love it.
Eric Githinji
Love the simplicity and the power. Plus the design is just great! Switched completely from Postman when I met Insomnia πŸ™ƒ
Brandon Brown
Insomnia is the only REST client I've used in the past year after trying many others and not being happy with the experience. They're all either too cluttered or behind a paywall of features. Insomnia strikes the perfect balance of feature set and will be sustainable for the foreseeable future. You can learn more about Gregs story here
Arthur Eudeline

It was a really good surprise for me when I discovered this tool. It's totally free, constantly maintained by a little community of passioned peoples and really nice to use! You can manage several environments/projects, add variables system by JSON format, add a markdown documentation for each request you build, ...


Easy to understand, powerfull, nice to use, beautiful UI, variables editing, free, always upgrated, ...



Superb Experience Using Insomnia to create API Documentation.
Mohammed Elhaouari
Insomnia is my go-to app when I want to develop API's.
Andres Lopez
i really love this REST Client, the performance and the UX is awesome