Sam Altman

Instabug - Bug reporting and In-app feedback for mobile apps

Top Product

Instabug allows testers and users to report bugs and send feedback in-app with simply shaking their phones. Instabug's SDK attaches screenshots, screen recordings, device details, user steps, and all the logs you need to debug and iterate faster.

15,000+ of the top apps rely on Instabug for bug reporting, crash reporting and in-app feedback.

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Omar Gabr
Hi Everyone, I'm one of the cofounders of Instabug. We’re really excited to show you Instabug 3.0. We've been working on it for the last months, and we’d love to hear your feedback. We’ve first launched our beta version of Instabug two years ago on Product Hunt, and since then, we’ve been helping apps get their beta testers engaged and also provide a feedback channel in their live apps. With this update, we’re adding even more details to the reports that we capture, adding the ability to attach multiple attachments, and most importantly, we’re closing the feedback loop by providing our own in-app live support. Give it a try and let us know what you think, we’re excited to hear your feedback
Ben Tossell
@okgabr Hey! Congrats on the launch. What was some of the most common pieces of feedback you received and implemented in this version? What sets Instabug apart from other similar products in the space?
Omar Gabr
@bentossell Hey Ben! Great question. So when we started Instabug, it was mainly targeting beta apps, making it easier for testers to send feedback and bugs directly from inside the app, and making it easier for developers to fix those bugs by providing a screenshot and all device details with each bug reported. We believe we did a good job with that and we've enhanced the beta testing process for thousand of apps. But over the past year more apps were starting to use Instabug in their production apps as a way to communicate with their end users (after they saw how engaged their beta testers have become). So the most common feedback was not only to allow users to send feedback through the app but add the ability to reply back and have a live chat with them inside the app. And this turned to be our newly launched In-App Conversations. Questions about competition are always puzzling but let me try my best: - We provide one dashboard where developers can see bugs, feedback and crashes all together in one place so they can have a clear understanding on their app’s performance. - We automatically captures screenshots, device details and user steps without forcing developers to add more code or breadcrumbs. This significantly reduce the amount of debugging time. - And above all, integrating Instabug into the app takes a minute! 💪
Steven Rueter
@okgabr this is a product I could genuinely use. It's kind of like what TestFlight offered before Apple bought them out, only for production apps now, too. Question, though: it is difficult enough to get users to leave App Store reviews; what overall percentage of users of apps in which your product is integrated are willing to supply such feedback? Have you experimented with built-in callbacks in your SDK that allow developers to slip in ways to award their users for helping them find bugs? What if a user discovers a bug in some dark corner of an app but doesn't report it?
Omar Gabr
@rueter Hey Steven! It's actually not that difficult, some apps reported up to 80% less reviews when using Instabug in their lives apps versus the regular email composer form. We published a blog post on that: The percentage of users that are sending feedback varies hugely based on the type of the app, but overall most of our users reported an huge increase in the amount of feedback when using Instabug in beta apps and a slight increase in the production apps that they're getting, but most importantly a huge increase in the quality of the feedback they get and the amount of details attached with it. We haven't experimented with rewarding users yet, but we had a few interesting discussions with some of our users and we're planing to try it soon. I'm personally excited about it! Unfortunately that bug is destined to stay in that dark corner. Crashes only get auto reported but bugs/feedback are user initiated.
Steven Rueter
@okgabr very interesting. I will check it out, build it in to my next project, and get back to you with my feedback. Thanks for your response!
David Walsh
One fundamental change would make this a gamechanger (albeit a stretch, technically): the ability to do precisely this, as a frustrated user, within any native app, and share that confusion/suggestion/perspective openly – as opposed to privately and only within the subset of apps which electively integrate. I find myself, on a daily basis, screenshot'ing > annotating > Tumblr'ing various oversights and absurdities in the majority of apps – sometimes constructively, more oftentimes just to vent. Anyway, strong product you've put out that stands to do some good.
Omar Gabr
@dvdwlsh very interesting idea! Never thought about it this way before but I can definitely imagine the outcome a community of people discussing random bugs in different apps. I'm not sure if apps will want to put an SDK that does that (for many reasons) but I get your point. I'm actually curious to see your Tumblr blog, mind sending me a link?
David Walsh
@okgabr I was by no means proposing it as an elective, please-add-our-SDK angle, that's cat-herding in this context. Naturally the people willing to do that are likely the ones who care most about user experience down to the details. More like crowdsourced intervention. Think "spraypainting large dicks around every gaping pothole the city just won't fix". Google that if you don't know what I mean. Anyway, as requested:
Chris Schroeder
I've known these entrepreneurs for a few years and knew this would be a game changer. No better way for app developers to get better feedback.
Omar Gabr
@cmschroed thanks Chris! Really appreciate it 😊
Avi Zuber
Big fan of Instabug, looking forward to seeing what is new in this version!
Moataz Soliman
@avizuber thanks Avi. I'm excited to know your feedback once you get to use it :)
Kilim Choi
There needs to be one for web apps too! 😛
Omar Gabr
@choi_kl actually there is (but without the shake part - which is the coolest part 😎) Check our BugHerd and Usersnap:
Reinald Freling
Congrats! I've been using Instabug for a few months now and I couldn't live without it. Can't wait to try 3.0!
Omar Gabr
@rfreling thanks Reinald! Would love to hear your feedback when you try it out.
Samir Doshi
This is really comprehensive - can't believe how well thought out the service is --- attention to detail at it's finest.
Omar Gabr
@samir_doshi thanks Samir! What do you think about the new updates?
Jie Feng
I used previous version of Instabug for an iOS app, it worked pretty well. Now, we are switching to use web framework like ionic for cross-platform mobile dev, wonder if there will be an Instabug sdk for that.
Omar Gabr
@flyfengjie unfortunately we only support native iOS and Android apps for now.
Elli Rego
@flyfengjie Hi Jie - actually, I just finished integrating Instabug in my Ionic app and it works perfectly. If you want to hear about how I did it, just let me know.
Mohamed El Mahallawy
@ocodeswim congrats on the launch!
Looks great!
Omar Gabr
@nadavwiz would love to hear your feedback once you try it out.
Idris Mokhtarzada
What a great idea. Simple product that does one thing really really well. Well done, guys!
Omar Gabr
@idris thanks Idris! Appreciate it 😊
Something i have been looking for :)
Omar Gabr
@mailmevenkat25 Great to hear that! I'd love to hear your feedback once you try it out.
Fawzy Abu Seif
Great product! One of the best products to ever come out of the Middle East.
Aditya Raj Sahu
Instabug is an amazing software, I use it frequently to test my app and keep it safe from bugs, it is a great software and reports each and every bug. As, I am an Android Developer professionally, I require Instabug regularly to point out the bugs on my app. Hence, I like this software and recommend you guys to use it.
Alex. Casassovici
stoked about this update - good job guys!
Omar Gabr
@alexksso Did you try it out? Would love to hear your feedback!
Adit Gupta
This is really well done! It hardly took me any time to integrate it in my iOS app. And it works like charm! Currently, I am testing it out for a beta build but I think it's ready for production too. Just one question - Will there be an option to have live chat?
Omar Gabr
@aditgupta Great to hear that the integration was a breeze 😊 And yes! We have live chat, that's our In-app conversations. More details here:
Wil Ferrel
Moving Free console logs viewing from Free to Paid was not a good move IMO. I love the product but would also believe there needs to be a grace period for independent Developers and also early adopters to either allow continued feature set for free or give them a heads up. Again product is great and helpful I just think there needs to be by the minimum a warning that certain features will become paid features when going to 3.0 .
Omar Gabr
@wilforeal You're absolutely right! We messed up with this one. We should have notified you (and others on the free) before launching 3.0 that logs will be moved to bronze. Very sorry for the inconvenience and please let me know if there's anything I can do to make this up for you! Update: We've enabled the console logs, Instabug logs and user data for all users who were on the free plan before Instabug 3.0
Almog Baku
Great product! We've been using it for the last 4 months and very satisfied :)
Omar Gabr
@almogbaku thanks Almog for the support! Really appreciate it.
Ryan McLeod
It's uncanny how similar this is to the tapped together solution I ended up with for beta testing my app using Crashlytics (for crash reporting) and Smooch (for in-app chat with testers). Looking forward to trying this is a new app soon!
Omar Gabr
@warpling would love to hear your feedback once you try it out!
Mohammed Ahmed Anwar

magical , powerful and helpful SDK

but the priceing for small startups some how big to pay monthly , i know the price for features we use is good but for startups may make some problems , i think you need to make some packes for them with more good offer


the shake feature is very helpful to use for mobile phone normal users , all the have to do is just shake their phones to report any thing


the priceing for small startups some how big to pay monthly , i know the price for features we use is good