We bring you closer to the people and things you love
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Instagram Co-Watching — Scroll Instagram together with friends
The feature called Co-Watching allows users in direct-message conversations to check out saved, liked and suggested photos and videos together while video chatting with friends on Instagram.
Ryan Hoover
We're seeing a ton of people searching for co-watching apps like Netflix Party and Showgoers on Product Hunt because of COVID-19. Very timely launch from Insta.
Tom Bielecki
can you make this for tik tok?
Jacqueline von Tesmar
We've been FaceTiming everyone we know the past few weeks. I love a new way to help make it feel like we're actually hanging out with people during this isolation.
Kathryn Hing
Agreed. We see many services popping up with new remote options, and it's great to see we're adapting so quickly. Nice work.
Damla Pekgöz
Well done. :)