Ryan Hoover

Instagram Live Video - Broadcast live video to your Instagram Stories 🔴


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Ryan Hoover
The Verge's @caseynewton reported IG was working on live video last month. It's now rolling out to everyone. Will play around with this later today. Follow Product Hunt. They also added ephemeral messaging for IG Direct. Instagram continues to look more like Snapchat. 🤔
Nick Hallam
@rrhoover @caseynewton Side note, but related... there is a lot of functionality going into to a small strip at the top and scrolling horizontally to find people's stories isn't the best experience. I wonder if this section will get redesigned and given more real estate soon?
@rrhoover @caseynewton what's the reason for implementing ephemeral messages? I think it's absolutely horrible and makes communicating a huge pain in the ass - it actually ruined more than one conversation I had on snapchat. Do they design it horrible on purpose in order to push ppl to take photos? I seriously don't get it
Chase Perkins
@rrhoover @caseynewton IG Direct live seems like an obvious missing component for IG in their war against Snapchat.
@yannschaub Isn't that the point though? If the conversation is not ephemeral, Snapchat/Instagram is not the medium you want to have it.
@gabrielizaias When it comes to text I just doesn't get it, that's it. Also its super buggy on android and killed the conversation because of that more often than not. Still I don't get why you would implement that AFTER having a "normal" chat feature (that probably no one used anyway). Instagram never seemed ephemeral to me and it still doesn't.
Pedro Marques
Can't wait for Instagram glasses.
Niv Dror
👻 Disappearing Messages
🔴 Live Video
Ian Rumac
@nivo0o0 welp, RIP Snapchat, it was fun while it lasted.
Ben Tossell
@ianissoawesome I wouldnt be betting against Snapchat... people said this when they launched Instagram Stories Instagram make some effort towards their content creators - I've seen some issues with Snapchat not being great towards theirs... THIS could be a huge differentiator and I hope every platform considers their creators as a key part of its success.
Ian Rumac
@bentossell I've seen my snap stories feed thin out since IG Stories launched, and only thing left I'm using it for is DM's and filters. Word tho, snapchat is lacking in that department, one of my main issues with it are metrics and discoverability. Oh, also their android app is terrible, which makes me hate my phone whenever I have to open it.
Jackson Dahl
@bentossell @ianissoawesome just as much risk not having normal users incentivized to create though. Something snap has always understood with the base unit being messaging (snap). Sure, you might have less influencers with large followings (at least relative to instagram) but you hedge against going the way of Vine where normal users don't create and eventually the celebrities you created port audience elswhere
Ben Tossell
@jacksondahl yeh I wasn't ignoring the normals but highlighing the creator side. a healthy balance is tricky but needed
Ben Tossell
Im not 100% there with live video yet... But I do love how the released products from Instagram look and feel. So well made.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Evan Clark
Instagram is killing it will the UX/UI. Snapchat needs some serious help in that area.
Jared Krause
@evanlaclark Why do you say that? Snapchat's UX is great and overall extremely simple.
Evan Clark
@thejfkshow it's kind of a disaster in some areas. Try using Memories or saving a Snapchat to your Camera Roll or exporting multiple Spectacle videos. It's atrocious. I suppose that is just my opinion though.
Pierre-Marie Galite
I don't think Snapchat will have so much problem with Instagram. Because, at the core, they are not the same, they don't share the same vision. Look at the Specs! All those apps can do is improve on experience.
@tsunaze snapchat already lose a lot of users, are you living on a cave or something?
Bruno Nascimento
@tsunaze and what is that vision? At the end of the day what matters is where the attention is. And Instagram has a lot more going on in that department for a lot more users.
Pierre-Marie Galite
@sanshiro No, I use both. But for myself, I only see my friends's stories on Snapchat and not in Instagram. Because I, and them still use IG as a photo app. The only stories I see in IG is from Influencers, and when I say "see", I don't even watch them. Do you watch Live from your friends often (which is what is advertised in the video)?
Pierre-Marie Galite
@nscmnto I don't know, I don't work there, but there are rumors of a IPO coming. They are not really afraid. Even, they took some of the features from IG, which is cool (rewind and pass). Instagram is backed by Facebook, so they want to eat everything they can. Seriously, if it's not for the Influencer you follow on FB and IG, do you really watch Live from your friends? I have 200+ and the last Live I've seen was 2-3 months ago.
Bruno Nascimento
@tsunaze it's precisely for influencers that I'm talking about. Growing a Snapchat audience is way harder than it is to grow an Instagram one. So these features make it very clear where I should be investing my time. Snapchat knows they have a massive influencer user base, and yet they don't really provide features for us. Cool filters only go so far.
Nick Jessop
Smart move.. It seems like live video integrated into existing social media apps like Instagram and Facebook has a lower barrier to entry and requires less commitment than using a separate app like Periscope. I could also see this doing very well with the new influx of creators moving from Vine to Instagram.
Lol at it killing Snapchat. Views have gone down there because SC ditched autoplay. Snapchat isn't going anywhere, but they do need to start incl ability to tag others and link out to URLs like IG just did.
@vincentorleck and rewrite that android app form scratch. It's a fucking joke and makes me hate my phone whenever I use it.
Nipun Gupta
RIP Periscope it seems cuz Instagram has strongest network effects amongst all social networking tools
Akshay Bharwani
Instagram Video killed Vine. Instagram Live Video has the potential to kill Persicope. And Instagram ephemeral messaging will surely pull a lot of crowd from Snapchat. This is getting interesting.
Jtan Styla
Looking at that last screenshot; instagram are on a quest to make vertical videos acceptable. 🙃
Phil Ren
LIVE was started by silicon valley companies, but got mainstreamed in China. It goes back to US mainstream again by Ins. I guess there will more such stories go on.
Hussein Yahfoufi
Is this Zucks slow-served revenge for Snapchat not selling to Facebook? Timing is quite dubious given the news of the Snap IPO!
@rrhoover @caseynewton @bentossell wow those guys are crushing with all the new features!
Andrea Naomi
Awesome excited to test when I'm alive in the morning!
Ian Rumac
Woah. If you can also share it on facebook, this will be a killer feature. Instagram is becoming the best social network in 2016, killed vine and now slowly killing snapchat and all of the live video startups trying to be. Great job Instagram, can't wait to play with it.
Would be great if I could watch the live stream (and stories for that matter) on the web app…
Aidan Wolf
Snapchat is pulling a Vine. Either they have to double down on 1 to 1 messaging and filters, or give their content creators everything they possibly need to build a following and create on their platform.
Dima Braven
5G Era is now coming!