Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Instant - Make and share GIFs with everyone, instantly

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Samuel Beek
I love gifs and I really like the way you can use them to quickly show something to someone. Wether it's your new cat, our an animation you just made. I've been looking for a simple app to share and make them with for a long time, but could never find one that was simple and not limited to one platform, so I made Instant. Hope you like it. shout out to @dnmjd for helping me with the designs :)
Samuel Beek
@samuelbeek you use your gifs in in product hunt comments with the "upload to imgur" function!
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
@samuelbeek yes yes yes this is great, great this is now public after some testing. It could use a little clever watermark in the gif, but for now it's just great send someone a gif on iMessage and to get the response "haaha that's funny! How the heck did you do that?"
Samuel Beek
@milann thanks. Ive taught about watermarks, but Im not sure if that ads value. I like the app to spread by word of mouth 😉.
Well the are a lot of apps like this one,whats different about instant? is as the name implies INSTANT. Very nice job!
Samuel Beek
@tnsrig Thanks! Most apps are limited to one platform: Dsco is limited to Vsco's platform, Boomerang to Instagram. I wanted to create something that's not limited, so I try to integrate as many services as possible (Slack, imgur, Facebook, Twitter, iMessage, and more to come!). Next to that I wanted creation to be as quick as possible and I think I succeeded.
Jeremy Zykorie
@samuelbeek @tnsrig I'm not saying your product isn't nice, simple and helpful... but Boomerang just to pick one isn't really limited. I can share it pretty much anywhere.
Very happy that this is finally out in the open. Have been testing it for the past couple of weeks and it's pretty damn awesome!!
Samuel Beek
@thomasoffinga I love you
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Fun little app by my buddy @samuelbeek - you can create GIFs instantly from your camera and share them in iMessage etc :)
Don Fontijn
instant.gif so simple, love it. Please add landscape mode 😄
Samuel Beek
@donfontijn Thanks, I will in the next version, would you like the created gifs to be landscape as well?
Silviu St
Hey, I've been searching for an app like this for a while some months ago and couldn't find anything okay. I love it but I would also like to see some new features, (and the posibility to send via facebook messenger or upload as gif to tweeter not picture). Good luck!
Samuel Beek
@silviust7 Thanks!! Intergrations, like Facebook Messenger and Upload to Tweeter are things I'm working on :). It's hard tough, because every third party app has different constraints and there's almost no documentation on it.
Silviu St
@samuelbeek @silviust7 I feel your pain... If you need help you can contact me on twitter. Good luck!
Samuel Beek
@silviust7 Thanks!
David Carpe
outstanding first release! keep up the great work - and keep it simple! ignore the impulse to add features...
Samuel Beek
@passingnotes Thanks man! great to hear
Ariel Michaeli
Nice work @samuelbeek! I've used a few others but this one is by far the easiest. Out of curiosity, how are you planning to monetize this in the long run?
Samuel Beek
@arielmichaeli He Ariel, I'm not sure if I will monetize it. I'm thinking of a library option, where you can save your old gifs to create a kind of "gif diary", making that an in App purchase would be a cool way to make some money of it. For now it's a great show off product to attract clients for my freelance gigs.
Ariel Michaeli
@samuelbeek I see a ton of potential around image modification. Filters (like hipstamatic did back in the day) or speeding up/slowing down the loop (like what snapchat rolled out not too long ago). I'd be happy to pay 0.99 or even 1.99 for something like that. Alternatively you can limit the number of gigs made per day to something high (like 25) and charge to unlock - that's much less fun though...
Samuel Beek
@arielmichaeli The modification thing is interesting! I wanted to include that in the app, but I thought it would add to much complexity. Offering that as a paid pro feature is a definitly worth looking into :). Thanks!
@samuelbeek I think you did succeed !
Travis Northcutt
@samuelbleek this is *awesome*. My twitter bio is "podcast gif consultant" (no, really - go look!), so I feel like you made this just for me. Incredible!
Samuel Beek
@tnorthcutt Great to hear! Very nice :) Is there anything you miss in terms of features?
Ron Valderrama
Fun app. I like how the site asks for money at the bottom. It is a fun way to monetize.
Samuel Beek
@streamnowceo Haha, tbh: I've had a few thousand downloads, but noboody donated anything, haha
Christoph Auer-Welsbach
Seriously, this is an app that needs to exists from a fun perspective! Well done
Samuel Beek
@awchristoph Thank you so much :).