@sshakeel Thanks For pointing out this bug, Android Game or iOS Game starts from $3000 for Each Platform , but for both platform going to cost around $6000
The estimates are based on the amount of time it will take to complete the average project with a development cost of $60-100 USD per hour (market rate for quality talent is typically in this range).
before i get into App/Game Business , i was Looking for online instant development estimation about my game idea but i couldn't find any ! , so i must search for developers and graphic designers one by one , and each one must spend about 1 hour or more to know if he capable of doing what i want , so i build How Much To Make My Game website , this website will give you an estimation on how much your game will cost and if you want to get it build, i'll provide you with List of Pro Designers and Developers who can start in your day the next day !
if you have any question let me know below